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Go Beyond Reiki Healing!What are the side effects and benefits of practicing Reiki and other Energy Healing practices?!

Read the article till the end, and you will find all the answers!
  •  After reading this article you will know::
  • What is Reiki from the standpoint of the Field!
  • Safety measures and consequences of Reiki or other Holistic healing practices. Most Reiki masters don't know about this!
  • Is it safe to use Reiki symbols from different schools during healing sessions!?
  • Hidden dangers of Reiki treatment massage.
  • New principles and methods that turn off the subconsciously controlling stress in your past.
  • Initiation and secrets that are beyond the highest degree of Reiki practices!
You will not be able to find this information at Reiki training classes or Holistic healing courses!

What is Reiki?

Repeat: What does the word Reiki realy mean? Reiki (from Japanese words: Rei – spirit, soul, Ki – energy, mind) is one of the most popular energy healing practices in the world. It is also called "hands on healing". The main idea of Reiki is that all sicknesses are related to the lack of energy or excess of it in certain organs and systems of our body. When there is a distortion in human Aura, a Reiki practitioner uses his or her hands (that's why it is also called "healing hands" or "hands on healing") to fill that specific zone with the life energy - «Ki». This energy is synthesized and then channelled by a Reiki practitioner from the surrounding environment (Cosmos). It is commonly accepted that Reiki massage helps to create a channel of «pure» Reiki energy, which may be used to fill the injured organs and systems of the patient with Rei-ki. Through "healing hands" a Reiki practitioner recovers all the distortions in patient's Aura. There are different hand positions that are used during a Reiki session. Many people report relaxation and clear state of mind after a Reiki massage session. The result of such holistic healing process, as a rule, is quick recovery of health.

What makes Reiki so different from world famous methods like tai chi, reflexology massage and other alternative healing therapies? Common healer, as a rule, works using his or her own energy. It is considered to be a “fact” that Reiki masters and practitioners use «pure» (in theory ☺) spiritual energy of cosmos. Supposedly this energy is easily consumed by a human body mainly because it is «pure», which implies that it is not colored or polarized by the Reiki practitioner in any way. In this article we will explain why it is impossible for Reiki energy to be absolutely pure after it goes through hands of a Reiki master or practitioner. We will use laws of physics that work on the higher planes of matter existence to prove it.

Picture 1. Different types of deformations in human Aura that lead to:

a) hypertensive sicknesses, excessive weight or sudden decrease in body weight, emotional discomfort, irritability; problems with kidneys.;

b) in addition to the previous sicknesses and symptoms you can add chronic constipation, impotence or infertility, possibility of thrush, chlamydia, herpes, genital infections and cystitis;

c) in addition to all previously described sicknesses and symptoms you can add great loss of eye vision.

There are a lot of Reiki classes, training courses, seminars, private lessons and authorized Reiki schools that you can attend to learn about the benefits of Reiki. Most major cities have at least one Reiki school where people can receieve Reiki massage or get initiated (or attunement) to one of the Reiki levels. Reiki message usually ends with a complementary bow to Higher Forces. Reiki massage and Reiki initiation doesn't usually cost a lot of money. You can easily find feedback from people who had Reiki massage or attended one of the Reiki classes.

Most popular schools of Reiki are: Mikao Usui Reiki, Karuna Reiki, Gendai Reiki, these schools take origin in the names of the Reiki masters and teachers that founded them (you can find a bio on each school founder on the internet).

There are Reiki symbols (special signs and hieroglyphs) that are used to speed up the process of connecting a person to higher energies during Reiki degree initiation or attunement. The use of these Reiki symbols does not require meditation or many years of spiritual practices. That is what many Reiki masters and teachers of Karuna, Usui and Kundalini schools allegedly affirm. These Reiki symbols influence the subconscious mind, change inner state of a person and give the ability to connect to higher-self and cosmos. In some schools it is believed that Reiki symbols can be activated only in a certain way. Many Reiki masters and teachers talk about the fact that it is enough to only have an intent to use Reiki symbols and this will activate them. Many Reiki schools and courses as well as many spiritual healers activate Reiki symbols this way.

Nevertheless, it is not the goal of this article to describe in details all principles, techniques and benefits of different Reiki schools. One can easily find a lot of information on those topics on other websites and in many popular books about Reiki healing therapy.

Reiki Hands-On-Healing

You utilize your hand for some things, which can incorporate mending. Hands don't need to push or slapping, yet just delicately resting can bring help and solace. 

Consider when you feel or see damage to your body and how your response is to put either of your hands on the zone. How frequently have you or somebody around you put their hand over their mouth in the wake of saying the wrong thing? How often do you see somebody with their hand on their head and basically realize that individual either has a cerebral pain or is disappointed about something? When viewing a motion picture containing a scene that you don't care for seeing, isn't putting your hands over your eyes your first idea? 

It is that programmed activity of putting our hands over a harmed zone that conveyed Mikao Usui to the attention to the ground-breaking type of all inclusive vitality he associated with in 1921. At the point when his hands were set on another or himself he saw the zone promptly on the quick rack to recuperating. 

Some say people don't have senses, however before we figure out how to talk or walk the greater part of us encountered that hands being set on a territory that harms feels better. We likewise encounter the how protected and ameliorated we felt when someone else's hands were delicately put on us. At the point when the type of vitality called Usui Reiki is moving through those hands it feels superb. 

Do you recollect your Mom or Dad tenderly holding your finger that you had dropped something on? At the point when your heart is harming does it not facilitate a portion of the agony to get an embrace from somebody? Reiki embraces can make the most exceedingly bad of times significantly simpler to manage. 

All from the beginning of time, a few people have appeared to have to a greater degree a characteristic mending capacity through their hands then others. In Japan preceding 1921 there were types of hands-on mending, however they didn't include the type of widespread vitality that Mikao Usui brought into his technique for hands-on recuperating. 

Just specialists and instructors of some style of Usui Reiki with a genealogy straightforwardly back to Mikao Usui, who join the general vibrations of unlimited love and agreement in their training. 

It is dependably an extraordinary treat when authorized medicinal experts and those doing different types of hands-on recuperating are opened to a type of Usui Reiki by a qualified Shihan (ace instructor). I once met an enlisted attendant whose companions and patients would incline toward her on the grounds that there was something recuperating about her essence and contact; she contemplated Japanese Reiki and was pleased at the additional grins she saw from such individuals as their mending changed into high gear. A few people are normal healers and those individuals when associated with the vibrations of adoration and concordance of all inclusive vitality by a qualified Reiki Shihan (educator) increment the recuperating that occurs by their touch. Those individuals that are normal healers are no superior to any other individual, they are just exceptionally decent to be near, particularly when you are harming, as is anybody opened to a style of Usui Reiki Ryoho. 

The hands of any individual feel all the more recuperating once that individual has been associated with a style of Usui Reiki by a qualified Reiki Shihan (ace instructor). The distinction between what streams from different person's hands once a man is opened to the widespread vibrations of adoration and amicability is their capacity to get, and how regularly they practice. The higher the individual's vibrations the higher the vibrations they can reverberate with and get. This is the reason most levels in styles of Usui Reiki Ryoho incorporate numerous activities and technqiues to erase negative and acquire the unadulterated white light of Reiki. Taking in a style of Usui Reiki requires a great deal of time in class and rehearsing, however the adventure feels is blissful to the point that you before long appreciate each minute. Raising your vibrations so you can reverberate with and get higher vibrations originates from different activities, self-acknowledgment and practice, practice, practice and more practice. 

Hands-on recuperating, throughout the hundreds of years has been called numerous things. In old Europe it was at one time called the illustrious touch. Diverse people at various occasions in mankind's history have utilized distinctive types of all inclusive vitality; the frame utilized in Usui Reiki Ryoho is no better or no less, it is essentially extraordinary. The riddle of recuperating being advanced and helped by human touch is something that has no legitimate clarifications, it basically is something that occurs. The riddles encompassing hands-on-mending are firmly identified with the puzzles of the heart. 

When you think about the type of widespread vitality called Usui Reiki Ryoho, consider science for a minute. Science says vitality can nor be made nor demolished, however changes shape. That well from which all types of vitality start makes secret. Puzzle is something that encompasses the otherworldly routine with regards to the different styles of Usui Reiki Ryoho, however it is the grasping of secret that numerous shrewd people during the time have done to enhance their lives and the lives of others. Along these lines, while the hands-on recuperating of Usui Reiki may be strange, it can enhance a mind-blowing nature and the lives around you. 

Here and there that internal regular capacity of the body to recuperate goes into a lethargic state. The for what reason does not make a difference, but rather what does make a difference is that Usui Reiki can stir that characteristic capacity. Reiki and life constrain vitality are distinctive types of vitality, however Reiki being a type of widespread vitality gives a lift to the type of vitality called life compel vitality. The aggregate activities of Reiki support and speed the recuperating that is best for that life frame at that intersection in time, so while hands-on mending won't give some Hollywood outcomes it feels great. 

I learned through the exploration of one of my Reiki Shihans (instructors) that Mikao Usui being somewhat short of money would lease his dojo (school) to somewhere around two of his understudies to utilize one night seven days. One of those understudies rehearsed a hands-on recuperating procedure before Mikao Usui opening him to the general vibrations of adoration and amicability, and another held a medicinal doctorate. That demonstrates that from the time Mikao Usui rehearsed and showed Usui Reiki Ryoho numerous individuals perceived the quality of this extraordinary type of vitality, and mixed it into territories in which they were at that point talented. The mixing of styles of Usui Reiki into different practices with the goal to upgrade the other practice is a typical occasion. Usui Reiki being a type of all inclusive vitality naturally reveals to us nothing can expand its quality, yet it can without much of a stretch improve the positive parts of whatever else throughout everyday life. Styles of Usui Reiki are utilized in healing facilities around the globe. 

Usui Reiki contrasts from different hands-on recuperating rehearses in different ways. 

Hard preparing that incorporates remembering subtle elements from reading material are things few Reiki educators discover important. Perusing books composed by those that have looked into or encountered some region of Usui Reiki Ryoho grows our view, yet a man can't be associated without the help of a qualified Usui Reiki Shihan (ace educator). A standout amongst other approaches to know whether a the individual showing a style of Usui Reiki is appropriate for you is to see her or his endorsements and genealogy back to Mikao Usui, and talk with him or her face to face or by telephone. 

One of my Usui Reiki Shihans,who is additionally a Japanese Buddhist priest, clarified how showing Usui Reiki resembles indicating a finger the moon. When the understudy sees the moon and knows where it is he or she never again has any need of the finger. In the way Usui Reiki grew once it left Japan, and connected to different practices during the 1990s, the finger changed into the various Reiki images utilized as preparing wheels. A few educators even consolidated material things and customs utilized in other recuperating modalities to enable understudies to figure out how to feel and know the one of a kind types of all inclusive vitality called Usui Reiki.

Despite what preparing wheels have been added to different styles of Usui Reiki, hands-on remains the most widely recognized practice. What's more, when you are candidly disturbed hands-on can be extremely consoling. The puzzling type of general vitality that needs just a body that has been opened to it and a mind that is sufficiently restrained to move to one side, isn't in every case simple for a few people to acknowledge. In any case, the delicate loosening up vitality that dives deep inside amid a hands-on training isn't just acknowledged yet valued. 

One more of the things that isolates the profound routine with regards to Usui Reiki from different hands-on-mending rehearses is that its emphasis is on enhancing the personal satisfaction. 

Usui Reiki professionals and educators of all styles don't center around the malady, yet rather center around the living thing being in a condition of prosperity. The condition of prosperity contrasts for every life, at every minute in time. Reiki treats the entire individual, which is regularly clarified by saying Reiki adjusts brain, body and soul and encompasses with congruity. 

Styles respecting Usui Reiki Ryoho are a viable method to raise otherworldliness and make a positive life. The brain is the ace, so basic things, for example, twice every day rehashing from the heart those five basic lines of the Gokai (five standards) can raise your vibrations. The higher your vibrations the less knocks throughout your life's way you should experience. Love and agreement streaming unobtrusively into the majority of consistently life is something that makes Usui Reiki an appreciated expansion to anybody's life. Permitting the light (Usui Reiki) to stream into whatever you are doing, wherever you are, basically makes everything work all the more easily. 

Warm a very long time of the year more often than not accompany creepy crawlies; when love and congruity are moving through you and around you less bugs have an intrigue particle you. When you do get a creepy crawly chomp or sting, promptly doing hands-on enables alleviation and recuperating to start. Different characteristic recoveries can likewise be put on a bit or sting, however hands-on is prompt. General vitality can't be coordinated, however putting your hand(s) straightforwardly on damage resembles turning on the spigot to the max specifically over what needs some equalization and concordance. At the point when a cell is harmed it is out of parity, when there is irritation there is disharmony; what is in equalization and encompassed by amicability mends. 

An exceptional aspect concerning Reiki is that it streams just as much as required. On the off chance that you rub a territory of your skin that is dim purple or swollen it might feel good, yet in the event that you keep on rubbing for an absurd time span, you will cause aggravation. Usui Reiki won't cause any mischief, when the cells have gotten all the vitality they can hold around then it quits streaming. In the event that no cells need vitality, it doesn't stream. When you think about every one of the activities required by the zillions of iotas inside your psyche and body, it is sensible that additional vitality is constantly utilized some place. 

Usui Reiki will likewise moves through your eyes, breath, bottoms of your feet and radiates from your entire self. Along these lines if a man's hands are not accessible to be utilized, Reiki can in any case stream bringing balance, encompassing with congruity and mending. 

Hiroshi Doi an individual from the Usui Reiki Ryoho Gakkai (the first society made in Japan) said Usui-Sensei alluded to his technique as, "It is love, concordance and recuperating vitality. General vitality, which is the embodiment of all presence is Reiki." 

The proverb of Komyo Reiki Kai is, "Go tranquilly amidst acclaim or point the finger at." Reiki Shihans (ace educator) must approach cash in return for their time, however the profound routine with regards to Reiki Ryoho is an adventure to enhance your life and lives around you rather than an aptitude prompting notoriety or fortune. 

The riddle that encompasses Usui Reiki Ryoho regularly winds up clear as it improves proficient restorative medications in a way that occasionally is nothing not exactly magnificent. Authorized therapeutic experts are forefront individuals when you have a genuine physical or mental test, however when you incorporate Reiki in your medications if is regular to hear an authorized restorative consideration proficient say, wow never anticipated that it would mend so quick or so well. 

On the off chance that you are as yet pondering about this strange type of widespread vitality, have a go at finding a qualified Usui Reiki specialist or instructor and treat yourself to having a Reiki mending session. There are numerous things in this life that as people we can't think about or ace. That isn't an issue when you think about one straightforward interpretation of Usui Reiki Gokai (five standards); "today/now there is no resentment or irritable stress, I offer gratitude and do my work with perseverance, and I stretch out thoughtfulness to all". Rehash that no less than two times per day for thirty days and you might need to take in more about this thing called Usui Reiki Ryoho. 

The affection and agreement that originates from Usui Reiki Ryoho goes past hand-on-mending. What is regularly alluded to as Japanese Reiki, which means styles of Usui Reiki Ryoho that come straightforwardly from Japan and don't have other recuperating


We always appreciate REIKI. Learn more: The soul of Energy Medicine: Chakras - The Body's Energy Centers

We will talk about much more interesting things here!

So how Reiki therapy works?

It might seem that it is a magical pill that is very effective and has no side effects. But is it really true? Can spiritual energy that is channelled through the hands of a Reiki healing practitioner be pure for the sole reason of it being originated from Cosmos? What are the long-term consequences of practicing this type of "hands on healing" for the clients, Reiki masters and healers? How effective and stable are the results from Reiki massage or so called "hands on healing treatment"?

Let's try to find out! In our search for the answer, let's skip popular opinions of different Reiki therapy schools, subjective valuations of the Power of Reiki described in the reports on Reiki healing sessions. Lets turn to the physics of energyinformational interactions as our main source of truth!

Picture 2. Method of taking characteristics of each Chakra of a human using the methods of "Infosomatics".

There is one thing that we would like to say first! We have a very positive attitude towards Reiki as a whole and towards all Reiki masters, teachers, healers and professionals that help people using methods of energy healing. Their work deserves a lot of respect, since due to their work a lot of people are able to get rid of their sicknesses and learn from their own experience that physical body and visible material world is just a little part of what the Nature holds. There is another world that is hard to see with our eyes. Balance and harmony of these energies defines our health. That's why we also welcome all Reiki classes and courses. They allow many people to extend their sense of alternative medicine and give them understanding of causal relationships. In this article, however, we would like to describe mistakes and violations in safety measures during energy healing practices.

Many years ago we practiced Reiki and studied other alternative therapy methods. We went through all degrees of Reiki initiations and attunements. We became professionals in many methods of energy therapy. However, after we mastered those therapies, we had to go higher and become professionals on those levels. Now, we hold the firm position of “no interference” in energy fields of others, no matter what method is used or what is the reason for the interference. We saw the side effects, violation of the safety measures and laws of Nature as well as limitedness of Reiki and other energy healing practices.

The goal of this article is to go beyond Reiki and show that there is a broader picture of the world. Our world is not just limited to the level of channelled energy streams. As it turned out, sicknesses can have totally different causes and their roots can have origin on the higher planes or dimensions. Incorrect interaction on the higher planes can be the true cause of the problem or a blockage.

At first, let's take a more detailed look at the limitedness of spiritual energy healing practices as a whole. Lets take Reiki or any other system as an example.

Let's turn to the physics of higher planes of matter existence and modern scientific research of the energyinformational interaction processes. This research has been carried out in the field of the new spiritual science "Infosomatics".

You all probably know that each person has Aura or The Field. It is created by the energyinformational radiation of human organs and systems as well as by the movement of the controlling signals in the brain that go through active biological points of the body. Human Aura also has energy junctions or centers that are called Chakras.

How human Aura or the Field is created?

On video: Vyacheslav Gubanov, President of IISE

Above human Aura there are three more shells that exist on the higher planes of matter existence: emotional, intellectual and programming shell.

Picture 3. Physical, energy, emotional, intellectual and programming shells of a human.

We are not going into details and into physics of every shell function in this article. It’s a separate topic. We will just give some details on the physical, energy and emotional shells of a person and ways they interact with each other. This can give us a better understandin of how Reiki really works.

Emotional shell is formed in the process of “making the foam” on the surface of the human Aura or the Field. It happens when people have positive feelings of joy, happiness or pleasure from any process that happens in their life. It means that when people experience positive emotions in their life, their emotional shell becomes bigger (the shell actually becomes bigger in size). The main function of the emotional shell is to collect flat-parallel cosmic rays (on the picture – the wavy lines on the top) on the crown of a recipient's head. These rays that are collected by the emotional shell feed the human Aura. As you probably already know, (if you were attending Reiki classes or trainings), the state of human Aura has a direct effect on the organs and systems of a human.

So, you probably also know (it has been even proved by independent research conducted by psychologists and physiologists) that people with optimistic worldview and those who often feel passion for their life, as a rule, have a lot less chance of catching a cold or getting sick with any other virus type diseases. However, those who are constantly in the state of depression or resentment get sick more often! The unhappy ones just don’t have enough "air" in their emotional shell or the shell could be missing altogether. In the case when the human Aura is not getting needed amount of energy from above (from the emotional shell) it becomes smaller in size. That is when human Aura stops protecting the physical body from the programming influences of different types of viruses. Human Aura can be compared to the atmosphere of the Planet Earth that protects our planet from the sun radiation and meteorites.

Picture 4. Deformations of the emotional shell depending on the state of a human. Optimism / pessimism.

Now, let's look at this problem through the eyes of Reiki practitioners: if a person is energy-lacking (which results in being tired all the time, chronic fatigue syndrome CFS, catching a cold or flu and so on) then you have to raise the energy level of this person by filling his or her Aura with “pure” cosmic energy that flows through the hands of a Reiki healer. That is the principle of Karuna and Usui Reiki and many other Reiki therapy schools. This method is called "hands on healing"! You might also hear a recommendation to activate your Kundalini in the schools of Kundnalini Reiki.

And now, taking into account everything that was said above, can you tell what is wrong? Is there anything against Nature in this process? From the standpoint of Nature any given sickness that a person gets is caused simply from his or her incorrect, or to be more precise “pessimistic” or even aggressive, view on life! This is the way that Nature motivates us to change our worldview. Nature is just trying to show that there is something wrong and that we are no longer enjoying life and forgot how to feel positive emotions. We just need to start feeling joyful, look for the positive side and change the attitude towards something that we don't like. You can just stop talking to the people who cause the bad mood or simply change the place of work if it causes depression or resentment! You just have to be cheerful! Generate positive emotions … and you will be healthy again!

Reiki energy that flows from an external source and channelled by a practitioner is not better than a pill. It is just trying to help with the symptoms of the resulted sickness. It does not help in finding the true cause of the sickness. By getting a boost from the outside stimulant during the Reiki treatment session, you do not solve the main problem that is related to the worldview. You don't pass the exam that Nature created for you. As a consequence, you will be sent to take an "extra penalty". The help that was received against Nature will be quickly wasted since you don't know the way to independently replenish your own energy. Thus, as soon as the energy level drops down to the level that you had before, the sickness or problem comes back again! What can be the solution or the way out? All you have to do is just turn you brains ON! The main problem is in them!

Picture 5. Concentration of flat-parallel Cosmic rays on the head crown of a human. Emotional shell plays the role of a lens.

Video: Emotional shell of a human!
What empowers our Aura?

On video: president of IISE, Vyacheslav Gubanov

Let's continue. The way that shells on the higher planes are formed and configured (as well as the physical shell) is far from being static. All the shells are dynamic. They are constantly changing depending on the stress that people feel in the difficult situations they encounter.

If we add 4-th dimension (which is time), to the described above shells, then we will get the following material object that exists on the higher planes of matter existence. It’s a memory body of a person (in other words the Soul). It consists of different forms of shells at any given quantum of time starting from the point of birth till the point of here and now. It looks like this:

Picture 6. Mental body, body of memory or in other words - the Soul. It consists of different configurations of a human Aura and other shells at any given quant of time.

Picture 7. The human Soul - body of memory in the 4th dimension. What is it made of?

The body of memory records all the stress situations that have happened to us throughout the whole life. It is possible to track them by analyzing the deformed configurations of shells during certain periods of time.

Picture 8. Mental body with deformed configurations of higher plane shells during the flow of time all the way to total disappearance of all the shells (shells are being «eaten») accept for the physical shell (areas of red color). It is caused by the stress or when someone is in the area that is influenced by an energy vampire.

When the graph of so called "life line" is taken, it can be taken using the methods of «Infosomatics», it is possible to see what stressful situations a person was able to correctly recover from and what stress still has influence on the psyche. It is possible to discharge those stresses and it is important that are discharged. There are special techniques that can help to eliminate those stresses in the past. When stress is eliminated, it no longer has controlling subconscious programming influence on present or possible future.

Picture 9. Mental body: ideal and real configurations.

Picture 10. Example of a real "lifeline" graph (the body of memory). All the holes that go into the negative area are subconscious controlling stresses (SCS) that are not corrected up till the current point of time. There is also a definition of every stress type.
Working with the past and turning off the given subconscious controlling stress, as a rule, leads to quick recovery of health in the present.

So, if someone has a lot of stressful situations in the past that he or she didn’t correct, then a rather big amount of energy is “leaking” from the present into these holes in the past to cover for energy-informational debts. It means that those holes are the “F's” in the school of life and that you will need to retake the exams in order to correct your mistakes. The Nature will just continue taking the energy to cover the debt until you start to clean up your own “Augean stables” and correct your lifeline! Someone with a big number of blockages or stress in the past turns into an energy vampire, especially, if those situations were incorrectly dealt with. Own energy reserves of a human Aura that are being generated in the present are often depleted and are not enough to cover the holes in the past. Thus, this person is forced to “suck” the energy from people in his or her close circle. All the sicknesses (including serious diseases) are caused only by the fact that all energy from the body is leaking into the past and there is just not enough of it to support healthy state in the present!

So what is the point in using Reiki or other similar types of practices to help oneself? What is the point of going to healers ?! It’s the same as pouring more water into a barrel with holes! It’s going to be depleted anyway…

The holes in the barrel should be fixed and barrel should be repaired! This can be done only through working with the person’s past and helping him or her discover, re-write and eliminate main subconscious controlling stresses that are causing such energy leakage from the present. The work should be carried out by the client him or herself together with an expert who will be facilitating the whole process. Reiki master or Reiki practitioner should not do the work for the patient. They should not compensate the patient’s debts through their actions (this is by the way, the main conceptual mistakes in all types of energy therapy). There is only one way to “pass the exam” that was given by Nature, it's when the one who is “suffering” takes responsibility and does the work him or herself. In that case sicknesses will just disappear in a natural way without the need of any outside stimulants that are given in the way that breaks the laws of Nature.

Now, let's once again look at the possible deformations of the human Aura shown on the picture 1 at the beginning of this article and on the picture 11 below.

Picture 11. Deformation of donor's Aura in times of energy vampirism and increase in the size of the acceptor's Aura in the consumed energy spectrum.

Such deformations of human Aura could be caused not only by the nondischarged stresses from the past. These deformations of the Field can be triggered when there is a powerful energy parasite. Very often relatives and peers at work turn out to be these energy parasites or vampires. It happens when people are effected by the subconscious controlling stresses on their lifeline. They didn’t turn them off and they don’t want to correct them. When there is not enough own energy to support own life, people begin to use the resources of those who are near them. This is how people become energy vampires and they begin to feed on Aura of others.

On the graph of the lifeline it looks as follows:

Picture 12. There was a stress when the tested subject was 10 years old. This stress led to full “collapse” of the subject’s Aura and made him an energy vampire. You can also see on the graph that this subject is still effected by the stress. If you don't correct, discharge and re-write the stress in the past, you begin to live by using the life-energy of others.

Picture 13. Energy-lacking person from birth.

So if certain techniques are not used to protect oneself from such energy vampires in the close zone, one quickly starts to “fall apart”. In this case, human Aura gets eaten and doctors just keep giving diagnosis of new sicknesses and keep prescribing powerful medical drugs.

So again, in this case, Reiki or energy healing will not be better than just a pill. It does not remove the real cause of the sickness, Reiki only works with the symptoms. Holes in the barrel (which is a human Aura) that cause the uncontrolled energy leakage, are not being fixed and they can’t just disappear.

Reiki healing techniques don’t have the ways to fix those holes by definition. In Reiki or other energy healing practices there is no place for the concepts of parasites and donors. To keep a healthy state, a person with “the holes” has to attract more and more energy from the surrounding environment. He or she turns to Reiki healing therapist or uses Reiki to independently refill his/her own life energy that is leaking.

Isn’t it just easier to disconnect the “energy suckers” from yourself? It’s very easy! However, you will not find this information at any Reiki class, training, course or any Reiki healing related book!

Video: Beyond Reiki Healing 
The Answer to How Infosomatic Technqiues Work!

On video: Dmitriy Gubanov

At the place of a human figure imagine the one who you think might be “sucking” on you (the one who you think might be the energy vampire). It could be your boss or subordinate or maybe your relative that constantly spoils your life and makes you feel discomfort. It also could be you sexual partner that constantly harasses you by his or her jealous fits and tries to have total control of your life. It could be anyone, and it doesn’t have to be someone in particular! There could be many. If you don’t know who is “stealing” your life energy, allow your subconscious mind to make the choice for you: just close your eyes and try to see the image of that someone. Your subconscious mind has this information for sure. Just trust your subconscious mind!

Technique to disconnect from an energy vampire

You will notice a reaction in your body: if you feel a wave of warmth after or during the process of the technique, if your mood gets better, if you feel the tingling sensation in your body, your feet or palms get a little sweaty then you hit the right target and just got rid of one parasite connection that was causing the leakage of your life energy!

Don’t worry, you cannot harm anyone with this technique. Next time you meet or talk to this person the connection will be renewed. That is why it's recommended to use this technique on the regular basis. You can carry out this technique by playing the cartoon from the link on the website or just play it in your imagination!

Don’t be surprised if after this very simple technique some of your sicknesses will start to disappear! It will happen by itself and without a need to refill your Aura from an external source or conduct Reiki healing sessions! It’s the way it was intended by Nature!

Reiki Training - What Do The Different Reiki Training Levels Signify?

Reiki is a customary style of mending using vitality. Reiki is normally learned,taught and put to use, in various stages. Typically, this particular Reiki preparing is really isolated into three noteworthy classifications, with each one progressing to a larger amount in contrast with the prior level. 

The real segments of Reiki preparing are fundamentally alluded to as first, second, and furthermore third degree Reiki stages. 

First Degree Reiki Training 

Reiki first degree is focused on preparing a man every one of the things they need to think about the craft of Reiki. Now, you'll be prepared absolutely what Reiki truly implies and furthermore precisely what it can improve the situation you. It's the point in time at which Reiki experts give the understudies a top to bottom depiction about the Reiki. This can incorporate where it began, exactly how to manage it, and in addition the suitable method for utilizing it. When the standards are appeared along and furthermore the psychological, passionate, and physical natures of the understudy are completely prepared, a few hands-on preparing typically happens. 

On completing the underlying level of Reiki preparing, an understudy will realize how to utilize the Reiki vitality for self-recuperating. Precisely the same vitality may well additionally be directed to help different people, all the more explicitly their specific relatives and associates. First degree Reiki may animate individual and additionally otherworldly development in a man. 

This particular level of Reiki is for the individuals who essentially wish to reveal what Reiki is. Likewise, it is for the general population who need to find approaches to mend themselves as well as other people. Following this level, you'll have the capacity to hoist your own profound, passionate, mental, and physical state. It could very forestall affliction in the family, additionally giving you a chance to reestablish by method for back rub and physiotherapy. 

Second Degree Reiki Training 

Second degree Reiki preparing drives individuals to the more profound comprehension of the antiquated strategy for Reiki mending. Here, you won't just be prepared to mend diseases appropriate on you will be shown further developed procedures. It is conceivable to outperform existence with your mending powers moreover. Moreover, you will be demonstrated the consecrated Reiki images at this level, which you can use to develop your very own attention to self, recuperating others, and having the capacity to assist them with their lives as much as you fortify yours. 

During the time level of Reiki preparing, this stream of Reiki vitality within you really heightens. You can additionally enhance your capacities using the incomparable Reiki images offered to you. Long range recuperating will wind up conceivable. Thus, you can conceivably mend another person notwithstanding when they are miles separated from you. Besides, it is conceivable to enhance your self-mending capacities together with your profound and self-improvement. You might be met all requirements to apply Reiki on other individuals following the second level of Reiki preparing. 

Third Degree Reiki Training 

The third level of Reiki preparing may conceivably be broken into two subgroups. The main gathering is the genuine instructing when you turn into a Reiki ace equipped for helping Reiki understudies. The following gathering centers around simply reinforcing oneself, without the further preparing to be an instructor. 

Third degree Reiki is just for the people who might want to additionally set up themselves into a Reiki Master. Here, they will have the approaches to get to every one of the Reiki Master images and are permitted to lead Reiki attunement forms on others. Further developed mending cycles would be instructed at this level, with the motivation behind extending your own Reiki impact. 

The genuine point with this last level of preparing is to give you a chance to wind up as a Reiki Master that can present, instruct, and train individuals in to the craft of Reiki. Perhaps one day you to can go on and instruct others through the levels of Reiki preparing.

Learn more: The Future of Energy Medicine

Now, let's talk about supposedly "pure" Reiki energy (Rei-Ki).

Look at the Picture 15. Flat-parallel cosmic rays (that are shown by the wavy lines at the top) are called the channel of pure energy in the Reiki healing schools. This energy channel most definitely goes through the programming, intellectual and emotional shells of a healer before it reaches recipient's Aura. From their own energy shell (to be more precise, only from the level of 5th chakra) a Reiki healer or practitioner can create an energy channel directed to the subject he or she is trying to help.

Picture 14. The channel of attracted Reiki healing energy most certainly has to go through the programming, intellectual and emotional shell of the healer.
Can this energy be "pure"?

As the research of Masaru Emoto shows, water saves the information about the trajectory of its movement and after it goes through the water pipes it dramatically changes its energyinformational characteristics. This can be seen from the configuration of instantly frozen water drops. If someone creates a channel for sublimation of the energy stream and directs it toward any specific point using his or her will, then this person creates the pump as well as the pipeline. This pipeline goes through all his or her bodies of higher planes! As you know, “as above, so below”. That is why the declaration that Reiki healing energy stream is “pure” is a myth that can be perceived as truth only by amateurs and simpletons. In reality, the practice of Reiki healing has very similar signs of sexual interaction since human Auras are combined. Reiki massage session also has signs of aggression – one human Aura violates another human Aura!

You have to take into account the fact that everyone is being watched by the Higher forces. You also have to agree that people living on our planet need to realize and take responsibility for violating the Laws of Nature. You can see it more and more often now, when healers and Reiki treatment practitioners get punished from Curators/Guides (Higher forces) for interfering with the facilitation process of those who need to complete individual tasks in discovering the world. Healers and Reiki therapists “expiate the sins” that were intended for the patients by the Higher forces without the right to do so!

Before we finish, we would like to warn all healers, Reiki masters and practitioners of Reiki treatment methods about the safety measures that have to be followed during the healing sessions.

A very strong energy informational connection is created between the client and the healer during such sessions! It does not matter how supposedly “pure” your healing energy is. That’s just the physics of the higher planes!

We went through this many years ago. We were able to reach very high level in energy healing practices and Reiki treatment techniques. So if you don’t remove these connections using special methods or if you don’t care about their existence, then in a very short period of time the health of the healer starts to get worse and worse. In this case the healer turns from someone who gives energy into the one who now needs to receive the energy of others. This kind of Reiki treatment therapists begin to consume the energy not only from their current clients, but also (which is quite interesting) from all the previous clients as well. The healer has access to those energyinformational connections that were established earlier in the process of the previous sessions. The inversion of all the former connections occurs. Those for whom this energy healer was the energy donor before, now become donors for the healer, the former patients encounter problems with health and exacerbation of old sicknesses.

From the standpoint of Nature the safe time period for practicing Reiki healing massage is not more than 5 years! During this period, the Higher forces “clean up and fix” all the mistakes and incorrect behavior that was done by the one who is being guided. The higher-self and spiritual Guides do it so the person can get valuable experience and learn about the Field, consciousness and the need in spirituality. After that, the person either has to go higher to the level of informational techniques or fall down under the weight of somebody else’s problems and karmic debts that he or she took. It is also possible that a healer or a Reiki master needs to stay on this level and continue doing the work. This usually means that it is the true calling of the healer. Only in that case the reiki practitioner or healer will be under protection of the Higher forces.

If you are using Reiki massage to help yourself – it’s a Great thing to do! However, Nature intended for people to live and be healthy without the need to forcefully attract large amounts of energy for personal use! As our research showed, many people use Reiki techniques daily to increase their own wellbeing and to heal themselves. The situation can drastically change when the practice of Reiki is stopped. So why the resources that are given by Nature are not enough and one has to apply additional force to be in the normal state?! It is because there is only one “master” who does the work, but there are seven parasites that take the pickings and hang on the neck, body, brains and the bodies of higher planes of the practitioner.

If people would allow themselves to identify and shake off all those “free riders” as well as eliminate main subconscious controlling stresses in their past, then there will be no need to practice Reiki healing. The need to practice Reiki would just DISAPPEAR BY ITSELF!

However, that’s the next level. It is the level of informational help and not the level of energy healing or Reiki treatments. It's “Infosomatics” – the new science field that allows you to solve the problems with the body and with the worldview independently without the use of external energy sources or outside intrusions. It is done with the help of Infosomatic techniques, knowledge of Nature's laws and the physics of higher planes of matter existence!

At the end, we would like to point out the most important thing: from the standpoint of Nature, the only correct way of assistance or help is the one where the work in fixing the mistakes is done by the person independently! An expert can only help by showing the areas that need correction, by diagnosing the bodies of higher planes, by showing techniques and worldview models that help quickly correct and re-write mistakes of the past, present and possible future!

Only this method gives freedom to the expert and the one who needs help. This method guarantees the absence of the energyinformational connections on any higher plane of existence after the work is done. There is no mixing of human Auras and creation of karmic connections that occurs during ANY type of help provided by an energy healer or Reiki practitioner. This method follows the safety procedures and does not break the laws of Nature. And by the way, the effect from this type of help is much more powerful and stable when compared to the described above healing practices like Reiki!

It is true, because any problem (with health, in business or in personal relationships) is given by the higher forces to someone as a lesson that he or she has to learn and stop repeating the mistakes of the past in the future! It is the call to change your own worldview in regards to certain events in life and become more powerful in that new quality! The expert in this case just uses his or her experience, knowledge and techniques, the expert just tries to deliver the core lesson using the language that can be easily understood! The expert helps the one to go through the lesson quickly, using the fastest way possible and pass the exam that was given by the Higher forces. However, everyone should do the work independently!

If a healer is offering to take the responsibility for the mistakes of the client by going over the head and giving unauthorized healing stimulant instead of letting the client learn the lesson, then this healer invades the territory of Higher forces. The Higher forces are just like strict schoolteachers, they can give an “F” and this can mean more troubled karma and worse state of health. Both good and bad students can get a bad grade, especially when it becomes known that the last test was given to the bad student but the good student was the one who wrote the test and signed the exam with the bad student’s name and all of it is happening in the school of life of that bad student.

So maybe there is no reason to “trick” Higher Teachers and break the laws of Nature? Maybe it is better to learn the laws and just stop making the same mistakes on the road of life? You have to realize, that’s only then you will have strong health, success in business, harmony in your family and true joy and passion in your eyes. You will finally find out and realize how to use the magic of the “philosophical stone” (your own brain) in practice!

Final conclusion

We highly appreciate Reiki. It is really useful for health.

If you want to learn about Reiki.
We have a proposal: Pure Reiki Healing Master

Our mission is:

- to show you the Laws of Nature and Life
- to help you connect with your own Spirit
- to teach you how to use the full potential of your own Brain

With this knowledge you will be able to control the events in your life, independently recover your health and make the most desired dreams come true!

You can find a lot of practical information if you browse our website, read articles and watch videos we posted for FREE

If you know how to use your brain at its full potential, you follow the mission of your own Spirit and you are correct in your interaction with Nature and Life; then health, success in business and personal life are just side effects!

All of it is Infosomatics!

We can teach you how to effectively use our universal techniques and how to form the new worldview for XXI century!
Investment in knowledge pays the best interest!
(Benjamin Franklin)

It is your choice where to click next!

Subconscious mind - Mind and Chakra


  1. According to continuously upgraded statistics, over one-half of all Americans visit complementary and alternative medical practitioners yearly, accounting for fiscal expenditures in excess of thirty-three billion dollars.

  2. These tools enhance health and happiness. Reiki balances and surrounds with harmony. In all ancient scripts, the search for knowledge is spoken of as one of the most noble. Knowledge is stored in many places. Usui Mikao, the founder of Usui Reiki Ryoho, commonly shortened to Reiki, searched for knowledge beginning in childhood. He never attended any college or university. He held various types of employment, traveled, was a parent, and studied among other things Zen under Japanese Zen monks. While not searching for any specific thing, through disciplined meditation in 1921 he connected to the vibrations of love and harmony of universal energy and called the system he developed Reiki Ryoho.

    Plato once asked, "What whole way of life would make living more worthwhile for each of us". Mikao Usui in the early 1920s said Reiki Ryoho is the "secret to health and happiness". The Gokai (five precepts or principles) is the backbone of Reiki. The five simple lines directly translated are actually three concepts and although the words are few, the meanings go to the core of balance and harmony that promote health and happiness. The first line is to be without anger and worry, ultimately leaving space for happiness. Happiness is a subjective state of mind, and much research has been done on the topic. Focusing on happiness, "Positive Psychology" is now being taught in such well-regarded US universities as Harvard and the University of Pennsylvania.

    Various people since Mikao Usui's passing in 1926 have blended other practices into their practice of Reiki. Some practices such as Chakra healing use other forms of energy. In scientific English terms, energy can neither be created nor destroyed, but changes form. Reiki is a unique form of universal energy. A physic healer tunes the transmitted pulse of energy to the level required to heal a specific illness. Reiki automatically tunes to the level needed to promote healing of mind and body, and promote spiritual growth. In Chakra healing, it is helpful to know the chakric connections of the coccygeal and sacral vertebrae. In Reiki practice, it is only required to have an enough discipline to keep the mind from causing interference, as in trying to direct. Some healing practices require material tools, Reiki requires only a trained body to flow through. Reiki practitioners listen to the ills of others, but they trust in the wisdom of the universe leaving any diagnosing up to licensed medical care professionals. Reiki knows where to go and what to do when it gets there, neither the practitioner nor the receiver needs to know.
    Learn more: https://freedomnewstrend.blogspot.com/2018/11/reiki-is-magic-you-can-do.html
    One simple law of the universe is that you will attract to yourself what you put out. Isaac Newton said, "Every action has an equal and opposite reaction"; energy pushes back on its source. Living by Usui-Sensei's concepts neither anger nor worry will be attracted to you, but kindness will be.

    I am very fortunate to have studied under three Reiki Shihans (teachers also called masters) that each in his own way pointed the way to the sacred tools of Usui Reiki Ryoho. I will never stop learning, but my Gendai Reiki-ho (Reiki method for healing) and Komyo (light bright) Reiki practices are rooted in my studies with those three Reiki Shihans. One is member of the Usui Reiki Ryoho Gakkai, the original Usui Reiki Ryoho society in Japan. Another is also a Buddhist monk in Japan. Another living in Canada has done an unbelievable amount of research in factual, not created, history. There are only two Reiki teachers between two of my Reiki Shihans and Mikao Usui, and another of my Shihans has only three Reiki teachers between himself and Mikao Usui.
    Learn more: https://freedomnewstrend.blogspot.com/2018/11/reiki-is-magic-you-can-do.html

  3. The next time you reach for that bottle of pills ask yourself, are they helping me to heal or simply masking or erasing the symptoms of what needs to heal. Until an illness is healed those sometimes painful symptoms will constantly reappear.

    The energy Mikao Usui named Reiki Ryoho, commonly referred to as Reiki, goes to the core of what needs to be healed not masking the symptoms. Healing is a natural process, as opposed to curing that often consists of removal of body tissues or adding man made materials to work with the human tissues. The licensed medical professional that has not only his or her medical experience and education to offer, but also the unique form of universal energy called Reiki flowing through him or her is becoming less rare as the benefits of Reiki are recognized.

    The spiritual practice of Reiki balances the whole person and surrounds with harmony. What is in balance and surrounded with harmony heals. Thus, Reiki promotes and speeds healing deep within the mind, body, and spirit.

    learn more: http://bit.ly/2QkuXkF

  4. Whether anyone can become a Reiki Master in the truest sense of the term is debatable.

    Certainly the founder of Reiki, Mikao Usui, never saw himself as a realized master of the art.

    What Master Level really does, therefore, is initiate you into the realm of Reiki Mastership. It teaches your techniques and skills that you will then need to go away and work on for months, years - and perhaps even the rest of your life.

    In that sense, you never really feel that you've 'made it' as a Reiki Master.

    But, with consistent practice, you do notice changes in yourself - sometimes big, sometimes small - that ultimately make a huge difference to the way you experience the world.

    And, as these changes flow in, you get more and more excited by the journey.

    The journey to an ever deeper place inside yourself.

    Read: http://bit.ly/2DXZgIn

    1. The effects of Reiki in any person's life are multi-dimensional, because Reiki works, not only on your gross physical body, but also on the subtle levels/bodies.

      Reiki is called an 'Intelligent Energy' for nothing. It ascertains where the recipient needs it the most and works at that level.

      Reiki works its magic on all dimensions of our existence - physical, mental, spiritual and emotional.

      Benefits of Reiki, at a glance, are as follows:

      Reiki removes emotional blockages from the body

      Reiki heals at all levels - physical, mental, emotional and spiritual

      Reiki enhances the body's natural ability to heal itself and also strengthens its immune system

      Reiki also reduces the side effects of strong medicines/drugs during serious illnesses

      Reiki can benefit all things which run with energy - human body, animals, plants....even the mobile phone/laptop!

      Once you learn to practice Reiki, there is no end to things/events/relationships where you can apply/send Reiki to work out things in your favor.

      Stuck in a traffic jam, send reiki. Getting delayed to catch a flight, send reiki. Boss yelling at you, send reiki to calm him down. Nervous about a presentation, give yourself reiki. Not liking the weather....yes, send reiki! These are the fun things, of course, the ones with immediate results.

      While a reiki practitioner can have fun doing these things, reiki is also quietly working on deep healing for the person, the effects of which may not be perceptible immediately, many times, but, healing is always happening when one practices reiki regularly.

      An important point needs to be mentioned here - Reiki would NEVER work for the harm of anyone, it always works for the best interests of everyone.

      Is it hard - learning Reiki?

      The simple answer to that question is - NO, it isn't. Reiki is 'universal cosmic energy' which is the same energy which animates us and runs through our body.

      Learning to use Reiki for one's benefit is like using a talent which we had when we were born and which has been lying dormant.

      A Reiki 'attunement' is nothing more than re-awakening this talent we all have inherent in us. You can easily receive this attunement to Reiki online in the comfort of your own home these days!

      All you need really is a willingness to use this awesome resource at your disposal for your and others' benefit.

      Incorporate reiki in your life. See the difference it makes in your life and around you!

  5. Reiki (pronounced 'Ray-Key') is a simple Japanese energy-balancing technique that can be used for self-healing, spiritual development, healing other people and animals. It is used worldwide by people from may different backgrounds. It is simple to learn and provides a wonderful way to help relax and relieve pain. Reiki is not a religion and does not require you to take on board any particular belief system.

  6. Reiki heals at the spiritual, emotional, intellectual and physical levels of being by transforming blocked or negative patterns into positive, flowing energy. Remember, everything is energy: Mass is energy. Fire is energy. Atoms and particles are energy. Healthy and unhealthy thoughts are energy. Love and hate are energy. The physical human body is an energy vibrating at a low frequency. The conscious and spiritual aspects of humans vibrate at higher frequencies. The difference between these phenomena is the frequency of vibration. To claim that some realms do not exist because we cannot see them is sort of like claiming that a high frequency beyond 20,000 Hertz does not exist because we cannot hear it. Bear in mind, human intellect is hardly the ultimate measure of the universe. More likely, human intellect may be one of our greatest barriers to knowing the universe.

    Thought influences matter just as mind influences body. High frequency mental and spiritual energy may not be directly perceptible to our physical sense organs, but the effects of mental activity manifest in numerous physical conditions. Many ailments such as headaches and ulcers are a physical response to mental energies. Similarly, smiles and laughter are physical responses to positive emotional energy. When you understand yourself in this way, it makes sense that Reiki can stimulate physical improvements to your health. Reiki is a compassionate energy similar to the positive energy generated by meditation, love or prayer that vibrate on higher frequencies, bringing forth changes in physical being. Studies have shown that communities around meditation centers experience lower levels of crime.

  7. Reiki is an ancient healing art that has recently been re-discovered in Japan. With the resurrection of Reiki in this age of mass and almost instantaneous communication, word of its power is quickly gaining the attention of the mainstream world. The mode of transmission of Reiki energy from a Reiki practitioner to a recipient was originally believed, by those interested in this art, to be limited by physical proximity. The Reiki practitioner would place their hands gently on, or a few inches above the Reiki recipient's body.

  8. Reiki (pronounced ray-key) is a gentle and natural system of energy healing. One of the most ancient healing methods known, it originated in Tibet and was rediscovered in the 19th century by a Japanese monk named Dr. Mikao Usui. The Usui System of Natural Healing is named after Usui and has been passed down by Reiki Master Teachers since that time. The Japanese word, "reiki," consists of two syllables: "rei," which means "universal," and "ki," the "life force energy," corresponding to Chi in the Chinese system of Qigong and acupuncture, and to the concept of prana in the various Indian systems of Yoga. Thus, Reiki refers to the healing qualities of universal life force energy.

  9. Thanks for sharing this amazing information on Reiki. Well explained and this is the right guide to how to do Reiki with your negative energy. We are Permanent Zen Reiki Healer who provides various types of Reiki Classes with 50 methods in new york


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