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The soul of Energy Medicine: Chakras - The Body's Energy Centers

The Body's Energy Centers

Eastern philosophy and medicine, originating in ancient India and China, have traditionally regarded body structures and the life processes occurring within as inseparable. Their terminology resides halfway between structure and function and identifies certain entities in the human body, representing the flow of life energy and, in some sense, conduits for that flow that do not correspond to anatomical structures recognized by Western science and medicine. The chakras are the energy centers in a person's biological field and are responsible for his or her physiological and psychological condition as well as certain groups of organs. All vital functions of the human body are determined by energy that spins in the chakras. These can be defined as "whirlpools referred," and in Indian, they are considered "energy bursts" or "wheels."

Energy Centers

The process of energy transformation happens exactly in these centers. Vital energy, along with blood, circulates around the meridians in the chakras and fuels all organs and systems in the human body. When the circulation in these meridians stagnates, the human body becomes susceptible to various disorders. An excellent preventative method, designed explicitly to battle such stagnation is Chi Gun, an ancient Chinese method for self-healing which activates the energy centers. Chi Gun teaches people to release the energy themselves by massaging specific areas corresponding to the different chakras.

There are 49 chakras mentioned in the Vedic Canons, seven of which are basic; 21 are in the second circle, and 21 in the third circle. According to the Vedis, there are multiple energy channels leading to different locations from the chakras. Three of these channels are basic. The first one, called "shushumna," is hollow and is concentrated in the spine. The other two energy pathways, "ida" and "pingala", are located on either side of the spine. These two channels are the most active in most people, while "shushumna" remains stagnant.

The seven basic chakras spin at high speeds in the body of healthy individuals but slow down in times of sickness or with advancing age. When the body is in a harmonious balance, the chakras remain partially open. Closed chakras are unable to receive energy, leading to various disorders.

The first basic chakra, "Muladhara," is located at the base of the spine in the tailbone area. Life energy, which is at the core of a strong and healthy immune system, is stored in this chakra. It is impossible for a person to become sick, old or even to die, before exhausting his or her reserves of this vital energy. The very will for life is controlled by Muladhara. It is also in charge of the bones and joints, the teeth, the nails, the urinogenital system and the large intestine. The first symptoms of a malfunctioning Muladhara are unreasonable fear, faintness, lack of security or faith in the future, leg and foot problems, and intestinal disorders.
The interrupted activity of the Muladhara chakra causes lack of energy, digestive problems, diseases of the bones and spine, and nervous tension among others.

The second chakra, "Svadhistana," is located at the level of the sacrum, three or four fingers below the belly button. This chakra regulates the pelvis, the kidneys and sexual functions. We also feel other peoples' emotions through this chakra. Symptoms of a malfunctioning "Svadhistana" are kidney problems, cystitis and arthritis.

The third chakra, "Manipura," is found in the solar plexus area. This chakra is the center for storing and distributing energy produced by digestion and breathing. It is responsible for vision, the gastrointestinal system, the liver, the gall bladder, the pancreas and nervous system. Symptoms of a stagnant "Manipura" are as follows: increased and constant worrying, as well as stomach, liver and nervous disorders.

The fourth chakra, "Anahata," also called the heart chakra, is located in the chest area. We generate and receive love through this chakra. It is in charge of the heart, the lungs, the bronchi, the hands and the arms. Symptoms of stagnation include depression and cardiovascular imbalances.

The fifth chakra, "Vishudha," is located at the throat level and is the center of analytical skills and logic. This chakra sustains the skin, organs of hearing, along with the trachea and lungs. Symptoms include a lack of emotional stability, discomfort in the cervical spine, soar throats, difficulties communicating, and esophagus and thyroid ailments.

The sixth chakra, "Adjna," is located between the eyebrows and is called the "third eye." Here is the throne for the human brain. "Adjna" circulates energy to the head and pituitary gland and is also responsible for determining our harmonious development. If a person's "third eye" ceases to function properly, one might notice a decrease in intellectual ability, headaches and migraines, earaches, olfactory illnesses, and psychological disorders.

The seventh chakra, "Sahasrara," is found at the very top of the head and represents the apex where an individual's energy vibrates with the highest frequency. It is considered a spiritual center and the entrance to the body for cosmic energy. A stagnant "Sahasrara" can result in a decrease in or lack of inner wisdom, as well as a lack of basic intuition.
With this basic knowledge of the first seven chakras, we can address the question: "How do we use this information to locate the causes of our troubles and problems, and with the help of Eastern Medicine, learn to control the functions of the chakras ourselves?".

From the perspective of Eastern Medicine, our health depends on the distribution of our energy-consciousness informational field. A shortage of energy inevitably causes ailments. According to Tibetan Medicine, the only difference between youth and old age, and between a sick and healthy individual, is the difference in the rotating speed of the whirlpool energy centers of the chakras. If these different speeds are balanced, old people will rejuvenate and sick people will heal. Therefore, the best way to preserve and keep our health, youth and vitality is to restore and maintain a balanced movement of the energy centers.

The Body's Energy Centers

The easiest way to keep the chakras balanced is through a set of physical exercises. Yannis called these not simply exercises, but rituals. These rituals allow the human body to mold its energy centers to an ideal level of function. The seven rituals, one for each chakra, must be performed together every morning and when not possible, in the evening. Skipping rituals unbalances energy distribution, and so for the best results, no more than one day per week should be missed. The daily chakra rituals are necessary not only for revitalizing the body, but also for achieving success in every facet of life. "Once you learn how to transform your energy, you will also become happier," concluded Yannis.
For learning these rituals (which have transformed many peoples' lives throughout the world), seeing them in action is much more effective than trying to follow written descriptions or diagrams. A DVD, available from Helix 7, Inc. (www.FeelingOfHappiness.com), includes actual demonstrations of these rituals.

Another method of keeping the chakras balanced and in their optimal half-open state is meditation. Meditative methods are universal to the human experience; they have accumulated over the ages through many different cultures and have proven their value in attaining peace, clarity, equanimity and in transcending despair. People who meditate on a regular basis are usually calmer, more secure, more joyful and more productive human beings. They are more effective in their everyday lives because they use their mental and physical potential, abilities and skills to their fullest extent. All too often, we humans fail to realize the great latent powers which are, as yet, unawakened in our bodies. We must learn how to revive and utilize them. This can only be achieved through meditation. Eastern men of wisdom, who believed meditation to be a vital necessity, stumbled on this discovery more than 1000 years ago. They learned to influence their inner organs and control their metabolism with the power of their minds. Meditation is to the mind what exercise is to the body; mental strength can be built up just like physical strength. Just as in athletics, it is important for an individual to train his or her body, it is important for an individual to train his or her mind through meditation.

The best time for meditation is early morning, preferably at dawn. Do not meditate when you are sad, aggravated, desperate or sick, because these intense emotional and physiological distractions make an enlightened state of mind impossible. For an effective meditation session, it is preferable to arrange for the undistracted silence of a quiet, clean room with flowers, or the soothing sounds of Mother Nature - near a lake, river, waterfall, woods or fields.

Many different mental practices, having their origin in historical traditions, fall under the general heading of "meditation." These paths of mental development can involve emotional and intellectual facets and may also be coordinated with specific movements. Meditation can be structured or unstructured, Dr. Wayne W. Dyer writes in his book Real Magic, "The process of meditation is nothing more than quietly going within and discovering that higher component of yourself ... Learning to meditate is learning how to live rather than talking about it..."

Psychic Development - Using Chakras to Aid Psychic Awareness

It is said that everybody is somewhat mystic, they simply don't have any acquaintance with it. We as a whole have a particular technique for seeing reality of things, and on the grounds that we are on the whole extraordinary, we each have a remarkable method for translating our general surroundings. Our techniques for observation are to a great extent dependent on instinctive appraisals. Clairvoyant instinct is a recognition based ability. To improve one's clairvoyant capacity, one must figure out how to expand upon their natural qualities. One such strategy is working with your chakras. The chakras are vitality focuses situated all through your body. These focuses are courses for all inclusive vitality. This widespread vitality gives the connection between your awareness and that of the higher personality. 

Clairvoyant instinct is a result of adjusted vitality focuses and connectedness. Numerous mystic perusers will recognize the impact of some more prominent power that guides them in their clairvoyant discernment. Regularly, their bodies and brains progressed toward becoming errand people of awesome data. In spite of the fact that they may not know about it, their chakras are undoubtedly encouraging their experience. 

Chakra truly signifies "the wheel" in Sanskrit. Made out of unadulterated vitality, each chakra twists to its very own arrangement of vibrations. 

Like a wheel, the chakras turn at different speeds with the end goal to get and discharge vitality. They are channels for clairvoyant vitality as they enable all inclusive capacity to travel through them. 

There are seven noteworthy chakras situated all through the body. Each chakra is lined up with an area against the spine. It is relatively critical to take note of that each chakra has a comparing endocrine organ. Your body assumes an essential job in mystic improvement. It is vital that your vitality focuses and endocrine framework work in amicability. Adjusting your body through the opening of your chakras can empower the stream of clairvoyant data. Underneath I have recorded the 7 principle chakras in your body. To start to develop your capacities as a clairvoyant peruser it is essential to perceive which chakras give you mystic data. 

first Chakra: The Root The root chakra speaks to our physical body. Situated at the base of the Spine, the root chakra identifies with our survival impulses and is the slowest vibrating chakra. Inwardly, the root chakra identifies with our mental self portrait and sentiments of security. Since the gonads are the relating glandular association, the root chakra includes our sex drive and essential senses. This chakra vitality is fundamentally engaged in the pelvic zone. At the point when this chakra is adjusted, we are fit for giving and accepting sexual joy. This chakra likewise identifies with ripeness. 

second Chakra: Sacral Chakra The sacral chakra is associated with the root chakra. It is found a couple of fingers underneath the maritime. The sacral chakra identifies with sexuality and multiplication. At the point when this chakra is out of equalization, your physical prosperity might be in danger. Whenever open and sound, the sacral chakra speaks to the existence constrain. It is from this vitality that we look for a physical association with somebody. It is associated with the lymphatic framework and adrenal organs. Whenever focused on, the adrenalines in your body are discharged, keeping your body in a condition of caution. This duties the body and depletes the sacral chakra if its vitality. It's imperative to work with this chakra when focused. Adjusting this chakra can help quiet the sensory system. Inwardly, this chakra identifies with our feelings and sentiments of prosperity. As far as chakras that guide the mystic peruser, this chakra advances clairsentience. Clairsentience is a sort of clairvoyant capacity that identifies with contact. It empowers a mystic peruser the capacity to hold a protest or contact somebody and sense the vitality encompassing that individual, place or thing. 

third Chakra: The Solar Plexus The sun based plexus chakra identifies with our vitality levels and assimilation. It is situated between the maritime and breastbone. Inwardly, the sun powered plexus manages our sentiments of individual power inside the world. It additionally helps in the improvement of a sound inner self. It is related with the pancreas and adrenal organs. At the point when this chakra is out of equalization, there is a hazard that one's stomach, liver as well as pancreas isn't working legitimately. This is likewise a chakra that advances clairvoyant vitality. For this situation, it identifies with a "second sight", a similar vitality that mediums work with. Opening this chakra empowers a mystic peruser to expand their clairvoyant observations. This chakra bolsters mystic instinct and prophetic dreams. It is from this chakra that we get "gut" emotions. 

fourth Chakra: The Heart The Heart chakra is situated at the focal point of your chest, between your shoulder bones. The heart chakra is related with the Universal Mind. Inwardly, it identifies with adoration and genuineness. Physically, the heart chakra controls the heart and lungs. It likewise controls the thymus. At the point when out of equalization, there is a hazard for invulnerable lacks and heart issues. One may likewise need sympathy and graciousness for other people. This is the chakra of connectedness. It impacts how you feel among others. It additionally influences your self-esteem and sentiments of self esteem. 

fifth Chakra: The Throat The throat chakra identifies with correspondence, imagination, and self-improvement. Situated at the highest point of the throat, the throat chakra rules the thyroid, eyes, ears, nose, and mouth. Clairaudiance is a capacity of the fifth chakra. Clairaudience empowers one to get messages as musings from another recurrence or domain. This is viewed as a type of diverting. Inwardly, this chakra corresponds to the statement of ones emotions. Whenever open, it helps in the capacity to speak with others both verbally and clairvoyantly. This is additionally the chakra of rationale and reason. Whenever shut, one can have sore throats, inventive squares, and miscommunications. 

sixth Chakra: The Third Eye Located between your eyebrows in the focal point of your brow, the third eye chakra identifies with your pituitary organ, eyes and sinuses. This chakra likewise identifies with one's capacity to imagine and process data. The Third eye chakra empowers the act of dynamic reasoning. It likewise empowers us to encounter the universe of soul. It is the chakra of mindfulness and instinct. Inwardly, the third eye chakra speaks to resilience and acknowledgment. In the meantime, the third eye chakra is a vitality that drives us forward. Whenever open, this chakra empowers us to show our wants and assume liability for our decisions. As far as clairvoyant capacities, the Third eye chakra envelops how we see things, this incorporates the feeling and sentiments of others. It additionally empowers us to expand our additional tactile discernment. For the clairvoyant peruser, the third eye chakra empowers them to see the bigger picture of things. It is an aptitude known as perceptiveness. This is the capacity to see pictures in the brains eye. 

seventh Chakra: The Crown The crown chakra is found ideal over the highest point of the head. This chakra is related to one's association with the universe. It is the chakra of awareness and until the other six chakras are adjusted, the crown chakra won't work in its full limit. 

This is the most elevated vibrating chakra and gets to divine motivation and truth. Whenever open, it empowers one to get messages from heavenly soul. For a mystic peruser, the crown chakra gives the learning of the obscure. On the off chance that the crown chakra is blocked one can encounter mental issues, for example, nervousness or sadness. It is identified with the thalamus. Recognize that every individual has an interesting strategy for working with their chakras. 

There is no "one" way or "right" way. It is an individual procedure and experience. On the off chance that you have never endeavored adjusting your chakras, you might need to try different things with some guided contemplations that walk you through the way toward opening your vitality focuses. I have observed this to be very helpful. As you work with your chakras, don't be astonished in the event that you wind up opening up to new clairvoyant capacities. Trust and appreciate the voyage.

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Energy Medicine - A Good Alternative For Improved Health Performance

"Energy medicine is medicine based on the appreciation that living systems have energy fields inside of them and around them and that these fields play important roles in physiology, regulatory biology and regulating processes that are going on inside the organism," says Dr. Jim Oschman MD. Though he's a practitioner of Western style medicine, Dr. Oschman recently authored a book about the scientific basis of energy medicines. He talks about alternative therapies like Chinese acupuncture and other complementary therapies that improve human performance.

These days, there's an increasing trend for Western doctors to look to ancient Chinese medicines to treat some of their patients who aren't responding to traditional medicines and treatments. Finding the scientific root of lethargy, for example, can be terribly tricky, but doctors from the school of Chinese medicine say that chronic fatigue is a symptom of the body being out of harmony in one way or another.

By examining the patient's external environment, dietary habits, attitude and other symptoms, specialists in energy medicines are able to prescribe a healthier lifestyle, which many patients find more advantageous in the long run.

Energy medicine encompasses many different processes from qigong (martial arts and yoga) to Chinese acupuncture. One form is called "Reiki," which is a form of Chinese massage. Practitioners say that their energy moves through the palms to create a relaxing - but energizing - effect.

It's believed that a Reiki Master can reach one's life force energy through 10-20 specific positions and techniques that generally last about 90 minutes in duration. Some emphasis is given to the intention of both the practitioner and the recipient and it is said that if the recipient doesn't truly wish to be healed, then the effects will be mitigated. While the energy may encourage healing, Reiki is not viewed as a "miraculous cure" for serious illnesses, but rather a way of stimulating the body's natural energy centers.

American doctors have spent their entire professional careers focused on tinkering with chemicals and running clinical trials to scientifically prove the effectiveness of traditional medicines. So naturally there will be some resistance and attempts to subvert traditional Chinese practices.

Energy medicine is not intended to be a cure-all. In the school of Chinese medicine, doctors recommend lifestyle modifications that include exercise, meditation and dietary alterations. For serious ailments, they say emergency medical treatment can't be denied, but for long-term problems, such as chronic fatigue, why not try non-invasive Chinese energy medicines? After all, starting your day off with a massage or cup of herbal tea isn't so bad, is it?

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