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Acupuncture Therapy and Healing Process

Acupuncture therapy has been around for more than three thousand years, tracing its roots to ancient China. Acupuncture is an effective technique of the oldest healing traditions in medicine and has gone through many studies before it was used to treat different ailments. This is done by balancing the body's harmonious wellbeing.
Acupuncture Therapy and Healing Process
Master in Ancient Chinese Medicine
The acupuncture therapy has always been a very effective and fascinating healing method, which was introduced around the world. It's been 200 years that this therapy has effectively been used to treat chronic pain. However, over the last 3 decades, the popularity of this therapy has increased dramatically. Today, physicians, and health practitioners are recommending acupuncture pain relief therapy to patients in order to get treated for their back and neck pain.

The crux of the matter on which the whole treatment is dependent is a belief that the body has certain pathways that carry with it some sort of energy. When this energy flows continuously and uninterruptedly, it leads to good health.

Acupuncture treatment requires the use of several needles that are injected in the body in order to remove any blockages so that the energy flows without any interruption. This is done in order to achieve the vitality of the body.

The Acupuncture Therapy Process

Chronic pain is treated with the stimulation of central nervous system that helps to get rid of back and neck pain. According to a recent study, the body has two nerve fibers that benefit from the acupuncture treatment. These key fibers are 'A Delta' and 'C'.

The meridians in a human body are connected to three hundred pressure points. They get to the targeted organ and effects energy flow. Acupuncture treatment restores the energy flow and balances the functions of the body. Moreover, electrical stimulations are usually combined with acupuncture to produce better results.

Learn more: Electric Acupuncture

Electro Acupuncture and Its Benefits

Acupoint is another name for electro acupuncture. In this form, needles that are electrically charged are used for the treatment of areas affected with chronic pain. The healing process is enhanced since the transfer of electric impulses is given to the body through the electrically charged needles. These needles are basically allied with a device that generates pulse according to the required frequency and intensity of electronic waves. The frequency and intensity are adjustable and can vary according to the disease.

There are many benefits of electro acupuncture treatment. An electrical impulses device is used in the treatment that causes persistent electric waves transmission. The chances of tissue being ruptured are diminished during the therapy.

Learn more: Acupuncture with Electrical Stimulation

Electricity has been used in medical therapy and it is the low level that is in use.

Acupuncture uses a number of different techniques in treating pain, stress and various diseases.
One of these techniques is to apply a low level electrical charge to the needle.
This was first tried in America during the 1930s and into the 1940s but for some reason it lost favour after those years.
However recent years have shown renewed interest in this use of electricity.

Electro Acupuncture and Its BenefitsIf you are looking for a remedy for back pain, chances are you are also looking for a "remedy" from mysterious China!
The magic of modern physiotherapy!
Ailments such as:
✔ Chronic & Acute Pain
✔ Debilitating Backaches
✔ Crippling Arthritis
✔ Blinding Migraines
✔ Psoriasis and Eczema
✔ High Blood Pressure
✔ Depression
✔ Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
✔ Female & Male Fertility Issues
✔ And urinary problems to name just a few

==> East-West integrated medicine - Jing-Qi-Shen principle - the power of internal forces.

Acupuncture and How Low Level Electricity Can Be Used

These tender spots are the acupuncture points used in treating various ailments. Now it is possible for scientists to re-discover these acupuncture points by using electrical apparatus and these will correspond to those points as shown in a standard diagram. Scientists may in addition use infrared photography to find how there are different temperatures between these points and the immediate surrounding skin. Therefore it has been shown that there are different electrical patterns in the surrounding cells whenever a patient shows the relative symptoms.

Acupuncture has received support from other researchers who used electricity. Becker, a scientist, regrew animal tissue by applying low level electricity to the tissue site. Even heart tissue has been restored and without any scarring. Bone fractures have healed significantly quicker when low level pulses are applied than those bones which received no such treatment.

These other experiments relate to the basis of acupuncture, which is to correct the flow of energy through the various parts of the body. When there is a lack of energy, any healing does not take place. When acupuncture treatment is given, the flow of energy to a certain area is restored. Bone research in particular has shown that patients with broken bones in various parts of the body respond significantly to acupuncture treatment. The healing process is accelerated. Even heartbeat irregularities have been effectively treated by acupuncture and there are EKG results to prove this. Patients have been connected to an EKG machine and received acupuncture treatment. The machine has shown that there is a different form of the heartbeat.

Acupuncture needles cause a change in electrical activity at the point where they are inserted. All cells have electrical charges within them and Kirlian photography has been used to show that the shape of the energy at a given point before acupuncture treatment varies greatly to that after treatment.

The relationship between acupuncture and electricity has caused an expansion in acupuncture techniques. The basic treatment is the simple insertion of a needle into the skin. The actual location, the depth and subsequent manipulation will produce the required result. Moxa, which is the application of heat is another method but will not be discussed in this article. Yet another technique is the use of herbs. Now we have an extra technique which is the use of low level electricity. All these different methods of applying acupuncture treatment are providing new areas of research for those interested in such a field.

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