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Gout is Related to Fructose and Meat Consumption

Gout is caused by excessive deposition of uric acid, which leads to swelling and serious damage to joints. This deposition is the result of unhealthy eating habits that lead to metabolic disorders in the body. In addition to foods such as red meat, seafood, alcohol ... the fructose sugar is also one of the causes of gout that we need to care about. Since then, when we have a specific plan to change the lifestyle and diet as well as choose the right products to support treatment, it will help reduce symptoms, restore function and exchange. substance that helps people live peacefully with this chronic disease.

The relationship between gout and fructose metabolism

Over the years, doctors have told us that gout is a result of disrupting the metabolism of purines in the body. Purin is a molecule made up of a group of nucleic acids, commonly found in the foods we eat every day such as: red meat, animal organs, seafood, alcohol ... Gout brings pain. It is truly terrifying and the difficulties in life that only the sick understand. So who is susceptible to gout?

Because of the nature of the disease, doctors have to resort to fast, powerful analgesics to be effective in resolving the symptoms but these drugs often have many side effects that affect human health. use. Today, with the advancement in science and technology, there have been many studies to learn more about gout so that there are new ways of treating to minimize difficulties in current methods.

Recent studies show a strong link between gout and excessive fructose consumption. The study concluded that biochemical processes to consume fructose in the body require an energy molecule called adenosine triphosphate, which stimulates the body to produce uric acid. Therefore, people who consume too much fructose sugar are at a higher risk of gout than those who use less of this sugar.

In New Zealand, Māori people rarely get gout. However, the number of gout sufferers is increasing day by day (about 10-15%). Arguably, seafood is the main cause of gout for these Pacific Islanders, but they've been eating a lot of seafood ever since. So what causes the number of Māori people getting gout increased? Researchers have conducted experiments and found the answer that people here consume sugar and especially fructose 50 times higher than the period 100 years ago. Thus, it can be seen that, in addition to seafood, the excessive consumption of fructose is also one of the causes of increased gout in the Māori.

Another study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association demonstrated that people who drink beverages containing high levels of fructose once a day, have a 74% higher risk of gout. Those who drink the same drink once a month and those who drink twice or more daily have a 97% risk of developing the disease. Therefore, the above research results cannot be denied to abutment

Fructose is a sugar molecule commonly found in corn, certain fruits, honey and agave nectar. Therefore, people with gout or hyperuricemia should limit the consumption of these foods to avoid producing more uric acid in the blood, making the condition worse.

Nutrition plan to fight gout

A typical diet plan for gout is to reduce foods high in purines such as seafood, red meat, alcohol, some cereals, reduce fructose ... and instead should focus on in alkaline vegetables, high in fiber, high in antioxidants and a source of healthy fats. Some good vegetables for gout such as celery, cauliflower, white radish, cucumber ... and sources of healthy fats from coconut oil, olive oil ... People with gout should eat raw foods better. Compared to processed foods, cooked foods should be eaten for dinner and plenty of vegetables should be added in the morning. Drink plenty of water every day to help purify the body.

In addition to implementing a scientific nutrition plan, people with gout should choose for themselves reputable and highly effective functional foods to support the treatment of gout, to help relieve the pain, digging. Excess uric acid in the body, enhance liver and kidney function without any side effects affecting the health of the ill person.

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