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Acupuncture New Era - the Integration of East and West

1. Difference Between Modern and Ancient Chinese Acupuncture

Even during prehistoric times, acupuncture has been into existence for thousands of years. Along the course of Chinese history, it has also come along back then. There are several approaches to acupuncture in different parts of the world. Moreover, there are also various explanations that can be derived from it as to how and why it works, together with different practices.

In primeval China, what generally used to explain the effects of acupuncture was the doctrine of the Taoist. Nevertheless, some forms of scientific explanations were now delivered as to why it works. In modern practice, the integration of East and West philosophy is noticeable.

There were no needles back then when acupuncture emerged. What were used in Ancient times was carved stones according to historian's belief. They started to use needles about 2,000 years ago. Since the needles can give a greater effect, it is assumed that it was developed after massage and acupressure.

Ancient Chinese Acupuncture

How Ancient Chinese Acupuncture Works

It can't be denied that Chinese medicine acupuncture plays a vital responsibility in promoting one's health and restoring balance. While several scientists are still in a state of enigma as to how it works, the basic understanding is that enkephalins and endorphins are produced through stimulation of pressure points on various parts of the body.

These, when compared to any prescription drug, are far more potent as they are the body's natural pain killers. In primordial Chinese acupuncture, the immune systems are stimulated, muscles are relieved, and the inflammation is reduced. Since all of the major organs in the body depend on natural electricity, it therefore helps out in improving energy flow. Different conditions including obesity, arthritis, menstrual cramps, back ache, injury, and more are effectively treated.

Modern acupuncture

Modern acupuncture and ancient Chinese acupuncture are basically the same except for the blending of acupuncture with other treatments to enhance its effectiveness. Let's say for instance, in order to stimulate the pressure points, an electro-acupuncture along with the application of pulsating electrical currents is employed as well as the use of laser applying a laser beam to pressure points instead of needles.

Modern acupuncture

Ancient Chinese acupuncture can be tracked down since stones were still used to insert into pressure points. The overall philosophy and process didn't evolve although its healing technique has made many advances. Why not give yourself a try on your next medical treatment if you want to experience the health benefits of this ancient healing wisdom.

2. Comparison of Eastern and Western Acupuncture

Since Americans have a hard time understanding or accepting the Qi or vital energy that Chinese believe flows through a person's system, acupuncture had to evolve into Western standards thus leading to the creation of modern or medical acupuncture. This is advantageous when trying to combine or use the traditional treatment with modern medicine as medical doctors, chiropractors, physical therapists and osteopaths use the same new terminologies, basis of diagnosis and treatments and systems.

East-West Comparison

  • Eastern acupuncture uses points and meridians in the body believed to channel Qi or vital energy through systems and organs. Western acupuncture ignores or reinterprets these acupuncture points since there is no scientific or physical basis that can verify the relative connection to diseases or the existence of such.
  • Eastern acupuncture is based on philosophical principles while western acupuncture works using modern biomedical understanding of anatomy, physiology and biochemistry. Concepts of disease in the West are taken from medical data and pathology studies. Concepts of disease in the East still use medical theories from ancient times.
  • The terminologies may also differ since Eastern acupuncture describes using a Taoist metaphor and common language while Western acupuncture describes using modern biomedicine.
  • Traditional acupuncturists see modern acupuncture as a degraded version of the original since it is usually only used in modern therapy in conjunction with mainstream medicine. Sessions using traditional approaches can use more needles and last for 20 to 60 minutes while modern acupuncture may use fewer ones lasting only for 2 to 10 minutes. Traditional practitioners refer to the new methods as "dry needling".
  • Knowing where to insert the needles is a matter of knowing where the energy flows through the body for Eastern acupuncturists. Western practitioners however, use two principles namely the gate theory of pain and the existence of natural opiates in the body.

3. Acupuncture of the New Era - non-invasive

When Oriental medicine and Western medicine merged, acupuncture took a new step, it was Acu-TENS.

Acu stands for acupuncture and acupressure - belongs to Chinese Oriental Medicine.

TENS is Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation - by Western medicine (physical therapy)

Acu-TENS is a combination of acupuncture of Chinese medicine and TENS of Western medicine.

To learn more about Acu-TENS - the convergence of East and West in history

#Visual video about Acu-TENS - acupuncture pen:

#Links to deep understanding of Acu-TENS - acupuncture and reflexology - East and West in the new era:

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