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Moxa wooden burning box

Wooden Moxa - Burner Box Moxibustion

Moxibustion is an ancient Chinese medical therapy that has been used for centuries to treat a variety of ailments. Moxibustion therapy uses the heat of burning moxa (a dried herb) to stimulate acupuncture points on the body. This form of therapy is said to be beneficial for many conditions, including pain relief, arthritis, and digestion issues.

There are many different ways to perform moxibustion, but one of the most common is with a wooden moxa burner box. These boxes are designed to hold a small piece of moxa which is then lit and allowed to smolder. The heat from the burning moxa is then directed towards specific acupuncture points on the body.

Moxibustion therapy is said to be very relaxing, and many people report feeling a sense of calm after treatment.

After any session of moxa treatment you will feel energized. It helps in enhancing the circulation of blood in the vessels by the warmth received by the tissues. Lymphatic system starts working properly and free flow of 'chi' is activated all across the meridians. It reduces pain in the body organs, relieves fatigue, removes muscle tension, stiffness and swelling, eases rheumatism and stimulates all the system in the body. In women, it facilitates timely menstrual cycle and treats any disorders related to it. Sometimes person may fall asleep during the session due to the relaxation and pleasure he feels. These great effects after moxa treatment can be felt only after experiencing it once.

One of the demerits of this treatment is that it emits smoke with earthy smell. People who are sensitive to smoke or asthmatic patients face problems here so they should go for some other therapies. Otherwise this method is very effective for all types of pain. One thing you have to take care of is to choose your therapist wisely. As heat is involved in this process, even a bit of carelessness can damage your skin with burns. Your therapist should be an experienced man who is in regular habit of doing this therapy. Sometimes this treatment is used along with acupuncture needles to direct the right flow of chi in the required body parts because more activation is achieved with the use of acupuncture.

The same Mugwort plant is considered as a sacred one in North and South America and is used for spiritual healing. It is kept under pillows to provoke dreams and is also used for magic. So this herb has variety of uses in healing process.

Moxa Wooden Burning Box

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Moxibustion (Moxa) - An Ancient Chinese Heat Therapy

Moxibustion has the effect of stimulating circulation and healing, warming the body and dispelling Cold. It is especially useful for people and conditions which are worse in the cold and respond well to heat. It is commonly used for pain, infertility, and weakness or lack of energy. It is also used during pregnancy for breech presentation and is an essential component in many of the traditional techniques for health maintenance. It is very pleasant and relaxing to receive.

Many of the ancient doctors recommended moxa on points such as Ren4 or Ren6 (the Dan Tien) or St36 (leg 3 miles) in order to 'nourish life', prevent ageing and increase longevity. Regular use of moxa on points such as these was seen to have a qi-enhancing and life-preserving nature and was performed routinely after the age of around 30. I find these practices extremely useful, but unfortunately they are rarely performed these days, even by acupuncturists.

All acupuncturists and most tui na therapists will be trained in the use of moxibustion. Moxa sticks are also suitable for home use, provided you have been shown the correct technique.

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