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How To Open Your Third Eye - Chakra Activation System

Ever wondered how to open your third eye, home to your “sixth sense?” Your intuition and higher wisdom come alive when this energy center is fully open and balanced. Unfortunately, for most of us, developing our third eye chakra and its abilities is challenging at best, and may even sometimes seem out of reach. Here are a few simple steps and recommendations to help.

Quantum Physics and Your Third Eye

Your Third Eye

The Age of Aquarius has given us the Gift of the Laws of Quantum Physics. These Laws reveal to us that there is an endless Ocean of Energy called the Quantum Ocean. As a general rule it is the Mind of God. This is the wellspring of everything past, present and future.

For a large number of years the spiritualists, heavenly men/ladies, religious pioneers, prophets all endeavored to disclose to us that to speak with God you needed to go inside. Where is inside?

"The Kingdom of Heaven is Within." Again, where is "inside?"

"Be Still and Know that I am God." How would I "Know?"

"In my Father's home there are numerous chateaus."

"Where is the Father's home?" In the Eastern methods of insight they are more mysterious, graceful and figurative. They talk frequently of the "Third Eye." Hinduism and Buddhism are loaded with notice and analogies for the "Third Eye."

In the Upanishads, they say an individual resembles a city with ten entryways. Nine entryways open into the external physical world. The eyes, nose, mouth and ears, butt and urethra. The Tenth Gate is the "Third Eye" the door to inward universes.

We in the West have at long last tackled the secret of the East's "Third Eye."

It is the place the Pineal Gland meets the Pituitary Gland behind the eyebrows. They don't meet physically and every ha it's very own physical and Spiritual capacity.

Yet, they do meet on a significantly more unpretentious dimension. There is a vitality section between the Pineal Gland and the Pituitary Gland. It is known as a Synapse. It is this Synapse, this stream of Energy that is the entryway in to the baffling "Inward Realms." This is the Kingdom of Heaven and "My dad's home."

Numerous mystics and sensitives have the intensity of knowledge and even precognition. It comes to them through the "Third Eye."

There is a familiar adage, "Where the measurer, the deliberate and the gauge meet, "There" you will discover God.

The definition given us by the Laws of Quantum Physics reveal to us that the Quantum Ocean is Timeless and Space less. There is just the HERE-NOW. An Infinite, Timeless, Space less point. God is Timeless, Space less and Infinite.

In the Quantum Ocean, everything that at any point was, is or will be exists. In the Mind of God, everything that at any point was, is or will be exists.

The Quantum Ocean is the Mind of God. The "Inside" and "My Father's House", is the Mind of God, the Quantum Ocean.

We exist both in the Mind of God, and the physical reality we are presently encountering. Both in the meantime.

We have to rehearse all the more Third Eye Meditations and intentionally enter the Mind of God, Quantum Ocean. It is there where we can discover genuine direction, wellbeing and otherworldliness.

A basic Third Eye Meditation is to sit unobtrusively in your seat and inhale delicately.

At that point with the Power of your Will state, "This is I, (your name), totally mindful in the HERE-NOW (Mind of God.) Take a full breath and feel the vitality from your Pineal and the vitality from your Pituitary stream together and shape a Synapse at the scaffold of your nose. This is the entryway inside. Practice, Practice, Practice until the point that you can intentionally and effortlessly enter the entryway.

Ellis Peterson AKA Ragnar Storyteller is a resigned math educator and hardware design. He has been contemplating crystal gazing, runes, transcendentalism and interchange mending medications for more than 30 years. He is 70+, healthy and lives in the boonies of the Pocono mountains with his better half Lory. His compositions are one of a kind and reviving.

4 Proven strategies for awakening the third eye

First, we’re going to describe the most important guidelines that will help you develop your third eye.

1. Cultivate silence

Foster the silence of the mind, whether it’s through meditation, just sitting calmly in nature, or being absorbed in your favorite art or sport practice.

Why? Because third eye perception elevates your senses to more subtle levels. Some call it “the space in between”, psychic abilities, the realm of the invisible. To be able to listen to the messages and information that comes through your third eye, you should be ready to perceive the whisper of its wisdom. If your mind is busy or noisy, you might miss its main message.

2. Hone your intuition

There are many ways to cultivate your intuition. The third eye is the center of insight, vision, and higher wisdom. So what about getting acquainted with your dreams and their meanings, perhaps giving a try at lucid dreaming, getting to know how to read a horoscope or tarot cards? Find new ways to intuit into your daily life activities.

Why? Because the third eye is the main seat of higher levels of perception and intuition. One way to look at it can be “fake it until you make it.” In other words, be curious, learn about these intuitive techniques. In time, these otherwise esoteric practices will appear more familiar, and you will gain more confidence in your own abilities.

You don’t need to take this seriously – actually, the opposite is recommended. Have fun, explore, and most importantly, keep your mind and chakras open to possibility and wonder.

3. Nurture your creativity

Let your creativity flow freely by focusing on specific activities or letting your imagination loose. For instance, start learning a new art or craft; don’t try to be perfect, just let your inspiration run through your hands and be ready to be surprised by the results.

Why? Creativity is a very efficient way to loosen your rational mind – you know, the mental chatter that comments every step you make to see whether it’s right or wrong, that tends to control every action with a specific agenda and intended outcome.

When you calm the part of your mind that wants to be in charge of how reality should be and leverage your creativity to open up possibilities, your third eye capacity has more space to unfold and blossom.

4. Ground yourself to better soar

For most of us, it might not be obvious that in order to open our third eye abilities, we need to first land both our feet on the ground. Also note the importance of opening up gradually, building reliable foundations first that will allow you to have proper discernment and interpret your extrasensory perceptions with as much clarity as possible.

Why? Because we need to have enough energy running through our whole body and energetic system to support a healthy opening of subtle channels of perception. When the third eye gets activated, the information that comes through might appear rather unusual, unfamiliar, or simply disturbing to the common mind.

Being grounded and having enough energy allows us to expand into subtle dimensions of perception. It can help us open up unhindered and avoid the common negative symptoms of third eye opening, such as feeling disoriented or confused.

How to exercise your 3rd eye chakra
Let’s explore simple yet efficient exercises to support the opening of your 3rd eye. Here’s a list of practices that will give a boost to your intuitive energy center.

  • Exercise your intuition; it’s the main function of the third eye
  • Rest under the moon light and reflect; the moon light resembles the quality of light of your intuitive center
  • Nurture silence to hear the wisdom of the third eye; listen, the 3rd eye’s sound is more like a whisper
  • Strengthen the energy of your first chakra, as well as your throat chakra; both are useful anchors for unlocking the energy of your third eye in powerful and balanced ways
  • Divination practices
  • Dream work, dream interpretation, lucid dreaming
  • Visualizations
  • Guided meditation, silent meditation
  • Let your imagination loose
  • See, focus on the space “in between” things
  • Be curious about symbolic meanings, symbols around you in different cultures and time periods
  • Commune with nature and the energy of the elements
  • Enjoy creative crafts
  • Free flow
  • Working with inner guidance, spirit guides
  • Practice contemplation
  • Cultivate your psychic abilities
Feel free to try and enjoy the exploration. It’s the best way to get energy flowing in the third eye after all.

How does the pineal gland impacts the awakening of the third eye?

Positioned between the brows and just above the eye level, the 3rd eye is associated with intuition and wisdom. In the human body, this energy center is traditionally associated with the pituitary gland, as well as the pineal gland.

Glands and chakras are intimately related as they represent different levels of bodily functions, the first one being focused on the physical, the other on the subtle energetic level. The pituitary gland is considered to be the “master gland” in the human body because it controls most of the other glands and their hormone production.

What about the pineal gland? The pineal gland is located in the middle of the brain, at the same level as the eyes. Its connection with the third eye chakra or Ajna in the Hindu system has long been investigated by yogic traditions and modern metaphysics alike. They view this gland as a possible seat of the soul and its development, a source for mystical experiences and extrasensory perception or psychic abilities.

This gland is usually considered to be in charge of producing melatonin and regulating our sleep cycle and our sexual maturation. The ways it functions is closely connected to the cycles of light and darkness.

To suport  your pineal gland and the awakening of your third eye, here’s what you can do:

  • Go outside and get lots of natural light.
  • Eat foods or supplements that support a healthy activity of the pineal gland (and counter its calcification), such as iodine, chlorella, apple cider, Tamarind fruit (as it helps remove excess of fluoride involved in decreased pineal activity).
  • Meditate; meditation balances the activity of the nervous system and stimulates parts of the brain that help the pineal gland.
  • Spend time in complete darkness, as it stimulates a healthy activity in the gland and production of its associated hormones.

Utilizing Perception and Third Eye Part 3

Not all individuals have deliberately taken a shot at getting to third eye knowledge or recognition. Many are exceptionally startled of their capacity to get to shrewdness, or data that appears to originate from the obscure. Others don't address where it originates from however they simply get to it.

Presently when you work extensive stretches of time with the third eye you build up your capacity to get to clairvoyant channels yet additionally it can make you tired in the event that you don't work with equalization. I feel it is like an entryway that you can't leave open constantly. It is important to close the entryway and rest. When you wish to shut down the zone, put my hand on your temple and move it through and through and envision that you're shutting an extraordinary huge entryway or a drawbridge entryway in a similar way.

At that point say to yourself "closing down at this point." Then bring incredible huge breaths into that region like a mystic wash. With every breath you wash that territory rationally with light. Now and again you can envision that you are killing a light by pulling an old design chain. The region goes dim. Be that as it may, much the same as that light, you can switch it on again rapidly.

Progress toward becoming as delicate to unpretentious changes in vitality, as you can, inquire as to whether this is originating from you or another person. Additionally put out a sensor if this is dependable or false. Make inquiries about the data that is coming in. "By what method would it be a good idea for me to utilize this?" "Who is this for?" "What do you need me to do with the information?"

When you are deliberately working with your third eye drop your look to a place that is out on the extension, or tip of your nose. Half close the eyes with the goal that you can permit the opening and unhindered view into the mystic domain through the third eye and afterward given this territory a chance to start to open. Envision the draw connect entryway gradually drawing up and open. The section of light at that point starts to extend out into the universe, as long or short as need be.

You may feel like the light radiates just out the front of your brow. Or on the other hand you may feel more like an egg with a noteworthy break all around the perimeter and minor splits to finish everything and toward the rear. The light that is contained inside can exude out from every one of the breaks from the front, back, top, sides, in the meantime, enabling you to see all around in the meantime. The significant segment originates from the front or third eye region, however it isn't restricted by that.

When you end up mindful of the vivacious movements, you would then be able to start to coordinate your channel. You could think on a specific subject or individual and make inquiries. As you make the inquiries, keep on breathing through each. Permit some time in the middle of each inquiry to enlist the data. You could likewise consider somebody or something and feel what impressions come to you promptly and first. Do this without judgment. Confide in yourself that the correct answer is desiring you. You could make an inquiry like "What am I missing here?" or "What it the key component?" You could enable an open stream to guide you - "Guide me to the individual or gathering that is most ready to encourage me." Then hope to be guided and afterward continue as though you are as of now in transit.

Specific practices to activate the third eye chakra

A balanced and open third eye, also known as the Ajna, chakra fosters concentration, focus, and reliance on intuition. Here are more specific techniques for balancing its energy:

Just Breathe

Mindful breathing can calm the mind and, in turn, cleanse and open the Third Eye. Being conscious of your breathing not only allows for cleansing, but also balances the chakra system.

Add Third Eye Color

Associated with the color indigo, which is a combination of deepest blue and violet, the Third Eye chakra governs… Introduce blue and purple hues to your home and office decor. Surrounding yourself with subtle indigo tones can help heal the sixth chakra and boost energy flow. Add precious or semi-precious blue- and/or purple-stone jewelry to your wardrobe.

Practice third eye meditation

Of all the exercises you can do for the sixth chakra, those that require you to actually engage the Third Eye are the best.

Visualizing and meditating on the color blue or purple can help activate the sixth chakra. For instance, sit comfortably and with eyes closed, visualize a blue (or purple) ball of energy in the area of your Third Eye. Simply concentrating on and holding that image is enough to activate the sixth chakra. Concentrating on this image can not only open up the energy center, but it helps dispel imbalance and heal the chakra. There are many beneficial resources about chakra meditation online, so go explore!

Dream it

The Third Eye is crucial in dreaming and dream recall. Engage and activate your Third Eye chakra by keeping a dream journal.

Work your theta brainwaves

It could be useful to learn how to activate and maintain theta and alpha brainwaves. These foster frontal lobe activity and prepare your third eye and brain to be more receptive.

Add some scent

Introduce essential oils to your home, bath, and body. Subtle fragrances can work wonders for opening, cleansing, and balancing the body’s chakras. To help heal and activate your sixth chakra, consider trying one or a combination of these essential oils:

  • Sandalwood
  • Myrrh
  • Roman or German Chamomile
  • Grapefruit
  • Nutmeg

Eat (and Drink) Fruits and Veggies

Consuming beverages and foods with natural blue and purple hues can help bolster positive energy flow through the Third Eye chakra. Drink dark fruit juices, such as grape and blackberry. Consider adding the following fruits and vegetables to your grocery list:

  • black currants
  • blueberries
  • blackberries
  • eggplant
  • prunes
  • rainbow chard
  • beets

Yoga for the third eye chakra

When learning how to open and heal the body’s energy centers, no conversation is complete without introducing the benefits of yoga. The practice’s elements of breath, focus, and physical movement, when taken together, are great tools for cleansing and balancing the chakras.

To open and strengthen the Ajna chakra, give these yoga poses a try:

  • Hero (Virasana)
  • Standing Half Forward Bend (Ardha Uttanasana)
  • Child’s Pose (Balasana)
  • Downward-Facing Dog (Adho Mukha Svanasana)
  • Supported Shoulderstand (Salamba Sarvangasana)
  • Share your ideas in the comments section below! We’d love to hear your favorite ways to open the energy of your third eye.
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  1. Qigong is one primary healing practice used as a part of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). The other primary healing methods are herbology, Tuina massage, acupuncture, and bone setting. There are many other subcategories of TCM, but these are the primary ones. Loosely defined, "Qi" (sometimes spelled Chi) stands for energy or the vital life force of the body. Although sometimes people in the states will attach metaphysical concepts to Qi, most Chinese masters agree that Qi can be completely explained in physical or biological terms. "Gong" means "work" or "effort" so the phrase "Qigong" can be translated "energy work."

    Unlike western medicine, TCM uses Yin and Yang theory. Yin and Yang are opposing concepts that, at least in part, are defined by one another. For example, Yang is hot while Yin is cold. Yang is hard, dry, active and light while Yin is soft, wet, inactive and dark. If there is an imbalance in Yin and Yang, illness results. If the body is too hot or too cold, the individual will become sick. If the body is too stiff or to loose, it cannot be healthy. Traditional Chinese Medicine diagnoses and redresses imbalances in the body in order to help the individual be healthy.

    Learn more: http://bit.ly/2RakyFm

    Sometimes westerners have problems with Yin and Yang theory because they are looking for fixed ideas whereas Yin and Yang theory are variable. For example, earth is Yang whereas water is Yin. Yet at the same time both earth and water can be more Yin or more Yang as a result of their temperature. Hot water is more yang than cold water. Another more complex example deals with ice. Although ice is colder than water and therefore more Yin, it is also harder than water and therefore more Yang.

    Traditional Chinese Medicine often detects imbalances in Yin and Yang using meridians and pressure points. Meridian lines are similar to the lines of the nervous system. However, instead of sending invisible electrical signals, in traditional Chinese medicine, meridian lines are thought to be carriers of Qi

    Pressure points are points on the body where the meridian lines are close to the surface of the skin and are therefore more easily accessible. If you look at a chart of meridians and pressure points, you will notice that pressure points are lined up along the meridian lines.

    When a Traditional Chinese Medicine practitioner meets with a patient, the practitioner will begin in much the same way as a medical doctor. The patient will fill out a questionnaire and the practitioner will spend some time talking with the patient about symptoms, etc. However, after this, the practitioner will use some form of TCM diagnosis. This may involve looking at the eyes, tongue, or even the tip of the finger. However, the most common form of diagnosis is through the pulse. The practitioner will feel the wrist of the patient on the palm side. There are several meridians that pass through this point and the practitioner will attempt to sense any imbalances in the flow of chi. This kind of diagnosis takes a lot of sensitivity. However, this kind of sensitivity can be developed with proper practice. Advanced TCM practitioners can diagnose by sight.

    Once the practitioner has found imbalances in the flow of Qi within a patients' body, he or she will use a method of rebalancing that flow. The most commonly known method in western medicine is acupuncture where needles are put into the body at certain points designed to rebalance the patient's Qi.
    Learn more: http://bit.ly/2RakyFm

  2. The third eye is one of the renowned chakras, commonly referred to as the mind center or the brow chakra. The third chakra is the most significant chakra as it's the avenue to our inner vision and wisdom. Learning and trying to figure out how to open your third eye can be frustrating, particularly because our sense of personal self and our ego block us from achieving this. Many of us read about the third eye chakra, but not all with the third eye knowledge are able to open the third eye. Opening your third eye is not as complicated as you think, nor is it for specific blessed people. On the contrary, it's for regular individuals who are longing to communicate with their inner selves.

    Read: http://bit.ly/MiracleMasteryPsychicPowers

    So, how do you open the third eye chakra? The contents about the third eye can be confusing, especially if you follow the misleading advice of non professionals. There are some laid out steps to follow if you desire to open your third eye. Interestingly, these steps don't involve painful yoga lessons or extremely long meditation sessions. While the above exercises might actually help you open your third eye, they are not the best. The best technique to open your third eye is the Aum Mantra meditation, which surprisingly enough, utilizes chanting to open the third eye. The third eye's seed sound in "Aum" and this technique uses this seed sound to open your third eye.

    How is the Aum meditation undertaken? First and foremost, pinpoint a comfortable area on the floor or on a chair where you can sit up straight. Thereafter, you can close your eyes tight, concentrate and start chanting out loud the third eye's mantra "Aum". This mantra is best said by starting with a considerably long sound of "ooooooo", which is followed promptly with a shorter mantra of "mm". Chanting alone won't open the third eye. You need to keep uttermost attention on the center of your forehead, which is ultimately the location of the third eye, while chanting "Aum". Focusing and paying uttermost attention to the third eye will appreciably increase the effectiveness of this meditation, enabling the stimulation and opening of your third eye.

    Like other third eye opening techniques, this technique is time tested. By succumbing to existence and persistent practice of this technique, you create a greater awareness of the third eye. With concrete practice over a substantial period of time, you will open your third eye with incredible ease. If you have persistently tried other third eye opening techniques with no success, then this technique will open your third eye. However, you have to remember that opening the third eye is all about paying uttermost attention and focusing on the third eye. If you perform the Aum meditation without uttermost focus, then opening the third eye will be the mystery it has always been. Therefore, relax, pay uncompromising attention, chant the Aum meditation loudly, and hooray! You will have unfolded the mystery of opening the third eye.

    Read: http://bit.ly/MiracleMasteryPsychicPowers

  3. Recently, scientists at the Seoul National University have confirmed the existence of meridians, which they refer to as the “primary vascular system” (premovascular system). They say that this system is an important part of the cardiovascular system.

    Earlier, North Korean scientist Kim Bong-Khan announced the discovery of meridians in the early 1960s. Dr. Kim Bong-Khan showed more than 50 years ago that there are new tubular structures inside and outside the blood and lymph vessels, as well as on the surface of the internal organs and under the skin. He believed that they were traditional lines of meridians. The meridians were called the capillaries or canals of Bong Khan after his research, but now the existence of this system in various organs was confirmed by further research.

    Modern Korean researchers now believe that the primary vascular system is essentially a physical component of the system of meridian energy points. It was also suggested that this system is involved in the distribution of the energy flow and information transmitted by bio-photons (electromagnetic waves of light) and DNA.

    Korean scientists who study oriental medicine with biophysical methods introduced a special coloring material that stained the meridians. By injecting the dye into biologically active points, they were able to see fine lines. They did not appear in places where there were no active points, and there were no meridians.

    The researchers found that the lines of the meridians are not limited to the skin, but in fact they are a specific system of channels through which the liquid flows, and that this fluid is collected to form stem cells.


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