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Tea to Lose Weight

In the world we live in today, there are always people who are trying to find the best ways to help themselves lose weight so that they can look good and sexy in the clothes that they've always wanted to wear. Being overweight really isn't something that is acceptable in the society we live in today, and it can most definitely have a serious impact on a person's career. If you want to drink green tea to lose weight you'll learn how to do it, just keep reading.

Tea to Lose Weight
Even though a lot of people know that exercising and dieting are very important to help a person struggling to lose weight, there are still a lot of people who are confused at the fact that even though they are exercising and dieting, they are still gaining weight. A lot of people don't know this about green tea but there is a chemical in it that helps with weight loss and it also helps with a lot of other things.

Tea and Weight Loss

Tea has for quite sometime been used for medicinal purposes and most recently a lot of scientific studies have come regarding the benefits of tea in promoting weight loss. These studies have somehow made tea and losing weight become synonymous with each other.

The outcome of these studies has proven that tea does have medicinal and healing properties. Some of these medicinal properties have been found to help in lowering blood cholesterol and lessening blood sugar levels. Tea has also been found to have substances that possibly have curative properties against cancer.

Antioxidants in Tea

Antioxidants in tea such as epigallocatechin gallate or EGCG are the substances that provide it with healing properties. It has been found to retard and even stop the growth of cancer cells as well as kill some existing cancer cells without harm to normal healthy cells. EGCG has also been found to be effective at preventing heart attacks and strokes because of its property to stop the formation of blood clots.

One of the studies conducted on EGCG antioxidants is its ability to promote fat metabolism which is most effective in weight loss. Recent studies in the University of Geneva have concluded that tea, aside from caffeine which has been thought to promote metabolism, has other properties that can also speed up the expenditure of energy from the body thus boosting metabolic rate. Consequently, these antioxidants have also been found to reduce cholesterol levels which help promote fat metabolism.

Related: Best Chinese Tea To Lose Weight

Tea is Synonymous to Losing Weight

With all these findings, past, present and more to come, tea has become synonymous to losing weight or weight loss. With the proliferation of diet pills, powder drinks and different varieties of tea publicizing the many benefits of tea including its weight loss features, people have now equated tea with losing weight.

Although it cannot be denied that aside from its curative and medicinal properties tea also has much potential as a cure for obesity and it is still important to seek the advice of a physician before taking large quantities of tea. In addition, taking tea alone will not suffice and a proper and healthy diet combined with exercise is needed to promote weight loss.

Learn more: Herbal To Lose Weight

Chinese Tea to Lose Weight: What You Should Know

When most people hear about drinking Chinese tea to lose weight, they get quite curious. You are not alone; this kind of green tea mainly found in china has received extensive research as most people do not know the properties of this green tea which make it possible for a person trying to lose weight to do so with ease.


The studies yielded this research compared the waste of two different groups of people who had consumed the tea. A group of people consumed Oolong tea a popular weight loss beverage while another consumed green tea. The group that consumed green tea was found to lose more weight than the rest of the group.

Chinese Herbs For Weight Loss - Pu'er tea:

As it was found, the secret in this coffee lies in only one ingredient found in this coffee. This ingredient is called catechin.

Learn more: Chinese Herbs For Weight Loss

How it works in weight reduction:

Catechin was found to be a great ingredient in increasing the body's metabolic system. This way the fats are digested faster so if you are over weight, you will be able to shed some pounds. In the same way, it releases a digestive enzyme which is capable of fighting fat in the system. It is able to prevent the build up of fat and thus weight gain is made difficult.

The green tea is also known to act as an appetite regulator. This is made possible by the presence of a hormone known as leptin. As a result, those people who find it difficult to avoid eating find this behavior quite easy to regulate. Eating in binge is not good just as much as little food is not good for those who want to lose weight. Thus the Chinese tea helps a bit to keep this kind of eating in check. However, one needs to be careful as this hormone can also increase their appetite. So in order to get the desired results, make sure that you consume it in the right amounts.

Thermo genesis:

This is a process which occurs in the body and is responsible for generating heat. Whenever it occurs, the metabolic rate also increases. In essence the Chinese tea has been found to have this property. It affects the neurotransmitters automatically leading to increased metabolism. In so doing, the body is able to burn excess fat as well as getting rid of the accumulating waste materials in the body. Particularly, the fat around the hips, thighs and waist are burned. This means that it could be quite good for women because they find losing fats around this area quite difficult.

With this in mind, do not consider weight loss difficult anymore. At the same time quit tricking Chinese tea as an ancient practice. In fact, it is not typical of the Chinese only and you too can use it. Using the Chinese tea to lose weight is not a bad way after all. As you will realize, with most teas, doctors do not recommend it as a long term weight loss plan. So as much as you may find that you are reaping the benefits, be careful not to drown yourself with it in the name of weight loss, drink in moderation.

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Surprise with 6 types of tea for weight loss and belly fat reduction

A number of studies by the National Institute of Nutrition in Italy have found the effect of drinking tea with the ability to lose weight and reduce belly fat. However, not all teas have the same effect. Some teas are said to have a much higher weight loss and belly fat effect than other teas. And below, is collecting 6 of the best teas to promote weight loss and reduce belly fat.

1. Green tea

Green tea is one of the most famous teas in the world and is associated with many health benefits. It is also one of the most effective teas when it comes to weight loss. This is because the catechin extract in green tea is extremely high. A study by Westerterp-Plantenga, at Maastricht University, in the Netherlands, proved that this is a natural antioxidant that can improve the body's metabolism and enhance fat burning, especially. in the abdomen.

Green tea also contains bioactive substances such as caffeine and EGCG, which can have a strong impact on the body's metabolism. Moreover, the substances in green tea increase the level of hormones to burn fat in our body, thereby releasing more fat into the bloodstream making it energy.

2. Pu'er Tea

This is a unique and famous Chinese tea, called Puerh, named after the town of Pu-erh in Yunnan province. Puerh tea belongs to the Chinese black tea family and is fermented through a chemical reaction between beneficial bacteria and then dried. Puerh tea has a mellow aroma, growing over time and people often prefer to drink it after a meal. The longer you store, the stronger the fragrance.

A number of studies by Deng YT, Lin-Shiau SY, Shyur LF, and Lin JK of the Institute of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Medical University, National Taiwan University were carried out for animals. and humans show that Puerh tea may enhance weight loss. Puerh tea inhibits the synthesis of fatty acids which then affect the conversion of lipids to energy almost immediately after your meal. This prevents fat from building up and also prevents weight gain. Moreover, it is recognized to be able to lower blood sugar and blood triglyceride levels.

3. Black tea

Black tea has a slightly different nutrient profile than green or white teas. But similar to green and white teas, black tea is also effective for weight loss because it is rich in an antioxidant called flavonoids, also known as polyphenols, capable of burning fat. Moreover, the polyphenols in black tea help intestinal production of short-chain fatty acids, which have been shown to increase metabolism in the body.

In addition to losing weight, black tea benefits blood sugar levels, according to a study by the Julius Center for Science and Health, Utrecht University Medical Center, Netherlands. Research has found that drinking coffee and tea eliminates the risk of type II diabetes. In fact, consuming at least 3 cups of tea or coffee a day can reduce the risk of type II diabetes by 42%.

4. Oolong Tea

Oolong tea is a traditional Chinese tea that has been partially oxidized. It is often described as having a unique fruit flavor, aroma and flavor. Various studies by the Traditional Chinese Medicine School, Shenyang Pharmaceutical University, China, have shown that oolong tea can promote weight loss by improving fat burning process and speeding up. the metabolism. The polyphenols in Oolong tea are partly responsible for the weight loss benefits.

Some of the polyphenols help keep your metabolism from slowing down as you lose weight, so your weight loss effects will be maintained and become easier. Moreover, oolong tea is rich in catechins and caffeine. According to the Center for Human Nutrition Research, Beltsville, USA, these two substances work together to help increase metabolism and the amount of fat you burn while helping to maintain lean muscle mass.

5. White tea

White tea is very light and carefully selected while the tea tree is still young. It has a very different flavor compared to other teas. It has a sweet, delicate, gentle flavor. The benefits of white tea have been studied by the New Mexico Health Care System, USA, over the years and come to the conclusion that this tea can improve health as well as destroy cancer cells.

White and green teas have the same amount of catechins that contribute to fast and effective weight loss.

Moreover, white tea effectively inhibits the formation of new fat cells, called fat cells. If the rate of formation of new fat cells decreases, weight gain also decreases. In addition, it stimulates lipolysis, the process of burning fat in the body. Excess body fat is effectively burned, leading to weight loss.

6. Rooibos Tea (South African Black Tea)

Rooibos tea is an herbal tea made from the leaves and thin stems of the South African shrub called Aspalathus linearis. Over the years it has been recognized as having many health benefits and according to findings from the research of Krafczyk N, Woyand F, Glomb MA of the Institute of Chemistry, Food Chemistry, Martin Luther University, Germany, the type This tea also has weight loss properties. It is rich in antioxidants like aspalathin and nothofagin that are responsible for helping to scavenge harmful oxygen radicals that tend to damage DNA.

In addition, these antioxidants can help balance blood sugar levels and improve insulin resistance. It's also sweet and low in calories can be a great alternative to a sugary drink. It can help keep blood sugar levels under control, prevent hunger symptoms and may lead to lower calorie consumption.

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