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Orgone Energy Generator

What is Orgone energy?

This term orgonite derives from "orgone", the term provided by Wilhelm Reich for essential energy discovered everywhere throughout nature. Also known as "Chi", "Prana", "Ether", "Élan Vital", or "fifth element", this vital energy exists in an organic way within a variety of types. It may be neutral (OR), positive (POR) or damaging (DOR = deadly orgone energy). When positive, it enables living microorganisms to be found in a healthy condition. Reich did a great deal of research and research on the attributes as well as behaviors surrounding this subtle energy.

What is Orgone energy

Reich constructed a powerful orgone accumulator from alternate levels of metal as well as organic material. He built a fabulous cloudbuster with which he could cause it to rain, and he witnessed how orgone radiation was capable of counteract nuclear radiation. He died during his jail, after experiencing his laboratory and much of his written work incinerated by the government bodies, who feared what knowledge of this energy could possibly reveal.

Reich's 'Cloud Buster', constructed from a collection of aluminum pipes/tubes of different lengths which were sat on a spinning base. From the actual tubes was an earthing cable which was submerged in running water. When pointed at the heavens, he could create clouds as well as cause it to rain as well as dissolve clouds and establishing a very clear blue sky.

It is essential to realize what DOR is. DOR (Deadly Orgone Energy) is POR, (Postive Orgone Energy) but "armored" as Reich called it. "Armoring" means that the living energy doesn't circulate freely any further, but has been compromised into a rigid form. Whenever a knight wears his armor, he cannot move that freely any further. The same is applicable with energy when "armored". Take a look at mother nature. When water flows freely, it's full of vitality and living in it flourishes. When water turns stagnant, it develops into a stinking pool, and life in it is dissipated. DOR is negative, that is, it suffocates life types.

It generates disease, plus ultimately it will contribute to death. DOR energy is principally human made, simply by technology, such as equipment and microwave transmitters, chemical substance pollution, actual physical break down of the landscape, but also simply by human emotions. A location where a violent death happened, for instance, will retain this DOR imprint on that place for some time. A residence where the inhabitants have a lot of negative emotionally charged reactions will also be filled with DOR. The human body itself can likewise be armored, that is, by long term psychologically and mental complications, man's creative expression may be blocked or dammed up, leading to contraction of his / her energy, quickly or slowly resulting in disease.

As people we are open to energy systems. This means that we can't shield ourselves entirely coming from our environment. We are continually subjected to the actual energies in our environment. They affect us whether we're conscious of this or even not. Therefore it is important to transform any DOR that surrounds us all into positive POR.

How Orgone Promotes Healing

Our body's are extremely complex machines. Contemporary Professional medical science has understood roughly 10% of the workings of the entire body. However one savior is that the body knows how to heal itself. In the mother's womb, the male and female cellular material unite and begin increasing in number in addition to developing various internal organs. The instruction that these cellular material follow is in the particular DNA.

The body is made up of untold millions of tissues. A small grouping of cellular material join together to execute a specialised body function as well as form various organs. Additional cells form the nervous system, skeletal system, digestive system and so on. But all the cells are comparable i. e. all at the cellular level have a particular frequency or vibration.

When typically the tissues of our body endure a change from normal healthy cellular material, a disease establishes in the body. This means that when the frequency of a small grouping cellular material alters from typically the ordinary, a disease establishes in. Typically the transformation can occur due to accidents, injuries, strain, leading an unhealthy lifestyle, wrong food habits, aging and so on. The cells which can be now irregular can certainly heal by themselves in addition to attain the state of normalcy together with the aid of satisfactory energy levels (Anti- entropic) with the same rate of vibration as a healthy and balanced cell. The frequency measurable around Orgone is one within an anti-entropic field and as a result heals health problems like Asthma, Arthritis, Depression, Sleeping disorders, Migraine, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Stress, Anxiety, chizophrenia, Hyper Tension, Stress and much more.

The discoverer of this orgone energy emitting from every living cell led him to develop a box in which he placed his subjects. These subject were suffering from many varied types of illnesses and disease and sat in his "orgone Accumulator". This accumulator was also made up of his matrix mix of alternate layers of resin and metal which over time proved unbelievably beneficial to the health showing positive results and even full recoveries from normally terminal ailments.

Orgone Energy - Jing Qi Shen - Chi:
Some of the earliest recorded philosophies in China mention the 'metaphysical energy' that flows through and sustains all beings under the sun. An Austrian immigrant to the United States, Dr. Wilhelm Reich, propounded the theory that what he termed as 'orgone energy' is the cause of everything in the entire universe. According to him, orgone energy is the same as 'bio-energy' or 'life energy' that fills all living beings.

Video Jing Qi Shen - by Pressure Points Book - Acupressure Book Super high quality:

In today's daily lifestyle we are constantly being surrounded and bombarded by harmful resonating frequencies from our electrical appliances and mobile cellphone towers. Orgone energy transforms this deadly frequency radiation into positive energy thus also being beneficial when placed in one's surroundings. People making and using their own Orgonite devices have witnessed great positive changes in their moods and the moods of anyone coming into contact or actually being in the location of an orgonite piece. This is a simple tool being used by many worldwide and doesn't cost and arm or a leg to either buy or make yourself. For more information on this process visit the below mentioned website.
  1. Orgone Energy Generator
  2. 7 Chakra Orgone Pyramid Energy Generator Amethyst Crystal Natrual Stone Reiki Emf Protection For Chakra Healing
  3. Elite Original 7 Chakra Orgone Pyramid Energy Generator Amethyst Crystal Natrual Stone Reiki Emf Protection For Chakra Healing
How Orgone Promotes Healing

How To Make Orgone - Generator for the family

Orgonite is a combination of catalyzed mix of polyester or epoxy resin with various types of metal shavings, poured directly into small-scale molds. It is said to draw in etheric energy much like Reich's accumulators. Some individuals also include small quartz crystals into the mixture for their capability to make the energy more coherent or to enhance the working of the actual actual orgonite. Thus orgonite fundamentally is a substance which functions like a self-driven, continuously-operating, highly effective energy transmutation device, drawing negative life energy levels and transforming this into beneficial energy. The resin throughout orgonite reduces throughout the curing process, permanently compressing the quartz crystal inside which in turn creates a well-known piezoelectric influence inside the crystal, which means it's end-points become polarized electrically, it evidently will cause it to operate better as a positive energy levels creator. Although crystals improve the function of orgonite, they are not essential for any orgonite to be effective.

Anyone can construct these devices with ease by gathering the required materials. Orgonite is basically a mixture (approx. 50/50 ratio) of metal and resin (polyester, urethane as well as epoxy) to which one or even more quartz crystals are added. It is usually poured straight into all kinds of forms: pyramids, cones, disks, cylinders plus pendants, to name but a few. Some individuals utilize it to help combat air pollution and also cell-tower radiation. Other people utilize it to clear energies in their homes, to improve the growth of plants in their garden. It appears to work especially effectively in different kinds of healing work. Energy levels sensitive people have provided various remarks on how orgonite affected them. They have shown that it truly works. You can also connect to it and use it for certain purposes.

When you look around on the Internet you will find people using orgonite for all types of applications. Nevertheless, in my opinion, a lot of it can be just much too crazy, with a lot of beliefs yet very little substantiated claims. I wanted to discover for myself if orgonite actually has something too, which led me to start making my own personal Orgone Devices. More and more people worldwide are learning about the beneficial effects of Orgone Energy and have started to make their own orgonites. Try it for yourself, it's easy. The required materials can be found quite readily either in your local community stores or by searching online.

Generator for the family:

Harness "Electricity" from thought outside the box, but not science fiction:
✔ Earth must have Larmor frequency, or a hidden geomagnetic field containing Larmor frequency.
 ✔ Each atom has its own Larmor frequency, because every material has a different electrical potential. When matter (elements) are placed in a sealed box, the potentials are mixed, which creates a new potential: Orgone energy. The difference in positive potential inside the box and outside the box is the difference in positive and negative potential.

The generator inside the box is created by thinking outside the box: Orgone Energy Engine

✔ The nature of the magnetic field is that the dielectric loses its inertia. So we can talk about the nature of Orgone Energy Engine:​ "Essentially, it works by using magnetic forces to create a permanent state of imbalance between a “rotor” and a “stator”, continuously concentrating a flow of energy in the same direction as the motor rotates – allowing for sustained, “almost” perpetual motion."
✔ "Orgone Energy Engine" is a generator with no rotating motion because the earth already has Larmor frequency.

Orgone Energy - Human Being Living Space

Reich extended his ideas of orgone energy into psychoanalytic based therapy throughout his career. Late in his life he combined them all into a general therapy theory coined Orgone therapy. There were two main broad subdivisions: physical orgone therapy and psychiatric orgone therapy. It was not uncommon for Reich to use both types of therapy on the same individual.

The main function of orgonite is to clean stagnant and negative energy. Place your Orgone Pyramid in your living spaces; where you work, sleep, and live. It will keep the energy clean and healthy. It has been observed that they are most effective when one flat side is facing magnetic north. Although it still has a measurable effect up to 25 feet away, by placing them within 3 feet of yourself, you will experience optimal benefit. Orgonite has become very popular as a healing tool, and as protection against electromagnetic pollution (emf).

As human beings we are open energy systems. This means that we cannot shield ourselves completely from our environment. We are constantly subjected to the energies in our environment. They affect us whether we are aware of it or not. Therefore it is important to transform any DOR that comes to us into positive POR.

Orgone Pyramid Uses: Orgone Pyramids increase and then tightly focus energy through the apex. Orgone Energy can be described as a life force which permeates all living entities. Orgone is the name for which Wilhelm Reich labelled the "substratum from which all nature is created". In the 1920s, he did extensive research into the nature of this invisible omnipotent life force. He found that he was able to attract Orgone energy through combining organic hydrocarbons and inorganic substances in alternating layers. Various materials were tested including organic substances such as oils, resins, cottons, as well as inorganic substances such as metal filings and other minerals. Different layered combinations of these material devices.

These effective products are available on Divya Mantra, to everyone who desires this in their home and convert the Deadly orgone present in theirs environment to positive vibrations with our orgone devices with terminal poles at the points of the pyramid.

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