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Orgone Free Energy

Orgone Energy as a motor force

In 1940, in the course of investigations into the nature of the emotions, the psychoanalyst Wilhelm Reich discovered a heretofore little known cosmic energy that functioned within biological systems as the life energy. Further investigations over the next seven years revealed that this energy, "orgone energy", could be accumulated from the atmosphere, concentrated within an enclosure, and used as a motor force. He named it "orgone energy" because of its ability to be absorbed by organic materials.

Orgone Free Energy

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He found a way of enclosing in an "orgone energy accumulator " which made it possible to concentrate the energy from the atmosphere. Through further experimentation he found that orgone energy was attracted to and repelled from metals and absorbed by non-metallic substances. The interior of the "orgone energy accumulator" was always warmer than the ambient air or a suitable control box by several tenths of a degree to up to two degrees Centigrade. Reich knew the tremendous significance of this finding. It was a violation of the Second Law of Thermodynamics, which was considered inviolable by classical physics. The accumulator could raise its own temperature without work being done to do so. A variety of controlled studies by Reich and, in recent years by his students, has confirmed this phenomenon.

The genesis of the orgone energy motor

In 1947, after seven years of investigation of the biological and physical properties of orgone energy, Reich acquired a Geiger-Muller field meter in to study the interaction between orgone energy and radioactivity. At his laboratory in Rangely, Maine, he found that the GM counter initially reacted normally, registering the background count caused by natural radioactivity and gamma radiation of cosmic origin. It was unresponsive to proximity to orgone energy accumulating structures. Within a few days, inexplicably, the instrument appeared "dead", being unresponsive to background radiation and even to a small x-ray source.

The device was checked periodically, but remained completely unreactive until about two months later, when on routine check the pointer of the impulse recorder began instantly to rotate at the rate of one full turn per second, a great velocity for this device. This corresponded to about 100 impulses per second, an enormous reaction compared to the normal background count of 15 - 25 counts per minute. On further testing Reich obtained counts of six to eight thousand counts per minute (cpm), yielding 1.15 rotations per second, a continuous rotation of the recorder. At that time the highest counts ever obtained with radioactive substances was 3000 cpm with that brand of GM counter. Reich realized that he was witnessing a possible motor force in orgone energy. The orgone energy was, somehow, through the GM counter, being transformed into electromagnetic and mechanical energy. By a detailed functional dissection of the GM effect and the use of special vacuum tubes to intensify the concentration of orgone energy, Reich later found the way to more directly run an electric motor on orgone energy. Observations convinced Reich that the motor effect occurred because the counter tube had soaked up" orgone energy through constant exposure to the high ambient orgonotic charge in the laboratory.

Reich found the amount of energy coming from the GM counter tube ranged from 100 to 500 electrostatic volts, a tremendous amount of voltage, which could not in no way be accounted for by classical ionization theory. He also found the energy entering the amplifier from the counter tube was different from the energy leaving it, that it was in the process of moving through the amplifier that orgone energy was transformed into electromagnetic energy. Eventually, he used a specially constructed vacuum tube that functioned like an orgone energy accumulator (the "Vacor" tube), and he got a powerful reaction. With further experimentation, Reich found it very likely that dawn and daylight rumination on the planet were a result of triggering changes in the orgone energy field of the Earth.

In 1949 Reich reported his success with the Orgone Energy Motor Force: In order to set the Orgone Motor into motion, a certain function, called Y. is necessary. This function cannot be divulged at the present time..

Reich demonstrated the motor to reliable witnesses including a local newspaper reporter. He died, however, without revealing the nature of function Y. because he felt the world was not prepared to assume responsibility for what would be an unlimited source of power.


  • Orgone energy was originally a medical device. Later, Wilhelm Reich developed it into a free energy generator.
  • Wilhelm Reich was oppressed by two forces: the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and Energy Corporations.
  • Wilhelm Reich was arrested for contempt of court, then he died in jail.

Jokes on them. The Elite thought they have destroyed all the evidence of this device.

The mystery assistant of a Well-Known inventor, on his deathbed, sales the last blueprints, of an amazing device.

This device was censored from the start,
As the Government (Almost) publically burned all the records regarding it.

When the inventor tried to send a piece of this device
Out of state, he was immediately sentenced to two years in prison.
It is unclear why this is a crime, but one fact is known,
This is the worst method of using censorship.

​P.S.: This information is being attacked, and soon may be banned.

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