How Mnemonic is Used to Program and Control Your Mind
Did you know that the *exact* "recipes" for developing miraculous, *physical* psychic abilities like, telekinesis, teleportation, radical healing, materialization and many, many others have been known for thousands of years?
Ancient texts from India give the exact methods to develop these skills, but these conventional methods take years... even decades of meditation and grueling dedication to master. Fortunately, a remarkable new training method has been discovered that can awaken these dormant powers that you already possess much, MUCH sooner... and with far less effort than you can imagine!
Miracle Mastery
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Ancient texts from India give the exact methods to develop these skills, but these conventional methods take years... even decades of meditation and grueling dedication to master. Fortunately, a remarkable new training method has been discovered that can awaken these dormant powers that you already possess much, MUCH sooner... and with far less effort than you can imagine!
Miracle Mastery
Learn to make honest to goodness, physical "miracles" with your mind-power alone!
Let Miracle Mastery take you by the hand and lead you through the step by step exercises that will get you there!
Click here to visit the All Things Psychic website so you can learn more about Miracle Mastery right now!
For more information about Miracle Mastery please contact Facebook: - Thank you!
by PL Chang
The adjective definition of the word mnemonic is “assisting or intended to assist the memory.” As for the noun definition, mnemonic means “something intended to assist the memory, as a verse or formula.”
The word mnemonic originated from the Greek word mnemonikos, meaning “of or pertaining to memory”. Based on these definitions, mnemonic is something that affects the memory.
Mnemonic is used in many different media, such as video games, TV commercials, cell phone apps, computers, and movies. The techniques used in mnemonic can be used for good or evil purposes.
Unfortunately, most mnemonics of today are used to program our minds in negative ways and control how we think to a large degree. One of the most popular media used for mnemonic is television (TV).
Have you ever wondered why TV shows are sometimes called TV programs? They are called TV programs because they are using them to program your mind with mnemonics and subliminal messages. They did not call them TV programs for no reason. It is right in your face and hidden in plain sight.
Do you need more evidence that TV shows are being used to program your mind? TV is the acronym for the word television. Phonetically, the word television sounds like tell-a-vision. They are using TV programs to “tell you a vision,” so they can brainwash you to think the way that they want you to think.
Mnemonics are effective for manipulating your mind because they utilize sacred geometry, sigil, sound, and light to create magic effects to control your thought patterns. Because of their effectiveness, many corporations are replacing conventional subliminal messages with mnemonics in their advertising campaigns.
One of the most effective ways to prevent mnemonics from affecting your mind is to become aware of how they are being used to program your mind. The video at the end of this article will show you how to do this. In addition, learn to strengthen your awareness and free your mind.
Below is a summary of a great video from YouTube about mnemonic titled “Mnemonic Mind Control – Who Owns Your Thoughts?”
Presentation by Bonnie and John Mitchell for the 3rd Free Your Mind Conference 2015.
This presentation by John and Bonnie Mitchell looks at the technology now being used against all people who watch television, mainstream movies, play video games, use cell phones and computers.
This is the culmination of the illuminati’s mind control and behavioral research programs; the easiest way to hypnotize and program a human being’s subconscious mind.
It combines electromagnetic pulsing, manipulation of sound and light frequencies, hypnotic trance induction, brainwave entrainment, and digital dark sigil magick. This tool is being used to keep the majority of people in a constant trance state, rewrite memories, control behavior, and insert demonic energy. Ultimately, it aids in the manifestation of the dark, fear-based reality the illuminati desire.
Quotes from the film “Mnemonic Mind Control – Who Owns Your Thoughts?”
“The subconscious mind is the data storage center of the brain. It recognizes simple shapes and colors and takes in any information the conscious mind cannot figure out. The subconscious is not just a storage center, however; it is in control of our five senses and it makes important decisions even before the conscious mind becomes aware of them. The subconscious mind is what determines our view of reality and how we manifest it.”
“Sigils are everywhere; our subconscious mind recognizes the meanings of the sigils, having seen them over and over again. Sigils that have been around a long time have more power, especially if they are seen by millions of people every day. This is why advertisers and others who want to program your mind with their wishes use sigils on television, in the movies, on cell phones, on the Internet, in video games, on billboards, in magazines…everywhere.”
“The neural pathways of the brain are constantly reforming themselves, based on the information that comes in; the pathways are set according to what your daily habits are. When you change your habits or just change your mind, you begin to form new pathways; you can actually “train your brain” this way. However, if you are allowing someone else to train your brain, you are giving them the ability to reform and reshape the neural pathways of your brain for you. You begin to accept new perceptions as your own, not realizing it was an outside source that programmed your thoughts.”

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