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Declassified: Is Psychokinesis Digital or Analog?

What are some of the previous articles I mentioned about the true nature of reality? That answer is enlightenment. And I have mentioned that Zen/Meditation Buddhism is the true way to find out the truth.
The Matrix movie also mentions enlightenment and absolute truth - the truth.
After many years, the aftermath of the Matrix movie as a theorem has not been fully proved.

It all seems imperfect. All the superior reasoning creates paths - a turn. The choice for the road is in every individual. Whether it is good or evil, it is your own decision. Free will does not exist during the time you awaken. We create the world ourselves: This Mind is the Matrix of all Master

This Mind is the Matrix of all Master

- by video Quantum Physics and Spirituality: This Mind is the Matrix of all Master

Everything, all reality is in the form of ability, if it can reasonably reason, it is accepted by mathematics. It seems that we are living in a mathematical reality. But it is math that does not take pride in recognizing that it has a role to create reality. The proof is in the imperfect theorem.

Declassified Psychokinesis

So Psychokinesis created by mind is not absurd, at least in terms of mathematics and physics.

The question is about Psychokinesis  very much, seems to have no end and no clear answer. Believers still believe.

Question: Is it possible to wikipedia against Psychokinesis ?
Answer: wikipedia knows a lot, but they will choose articles that don't let themselves be conflicted (or go too far).

Therefore, it is necessary to have declassified records for Psychokinesis, or government investment studies. 

Here are some studies on Psychokinesis, intertwined with quantum physics, mathematics.

Psychokinesis (from Greek ψυχή "mind" and κίνησις "movement"), or telekinesis (from τηλε- "far off" and κίνηση "movement"), is an alleged psychic ability allowing a person to influence a physical system without physical interaction.
The word "psychokinesis" was coined in 1914 by American author Henry Holt in his book On the Cosmic Relations. The term is a linguistic blend or portmanteau of the Greek language words ψυχή ("psyche") – meaning mindsoulspirit, or breath – and κίνησις ("kinesis") – meaning motionmovement. The American parapsychologist J. B. Rhine coined the term extra-sensory perception to describe receiving information paranormally from an external source.[17] Following this, he used the term psychokinesis in 1934 to describe mentally influencing external objects or events without the use of physical energy.[17][18] His initial example of psychokinesis was experiments that were conducted to determine whether a person could influence the outcome of falling dice.
The word telekinesis, a portmanteau of the Greek τῆλε ("tēle") – meaning distance – and κίνησις ("kinesis") – meaning motion – was first used in 1890 by Russian psychical researcher Alexander N. Aksakof.
In parapsychologyfictional universes and New Age beliefs, psychokinesis and telekinesis are different: psychokinesis refers to the mental influence of physical systems and objects without the use of any physical energy, while telekinesis refers to the movement and/or levitation of physical objects by purely mental force without any physical intervention.

Amazing Telekinesis Experiments Reviewed in US Air Force-Commissioned Report

- by Author: @TaraMacIsaac 
Studies have shown that people can use their minds (or some other unexplained means) to bend metal, transport objects from inside a sealed container to outside the container, and perform other amazing feats.

Scientific experiments involving teleportation and other telekinetic abilities are reviewed in a research paper commissioned by the U.S. Air Force and written by astrophysicist Dr. Eric W. Davis in 2004, titled simply “Teleportation Physics Study.” 

“Telekinesis” refers to the ability to affect physical objects with one’s mind. Teleportation is a form of telekinesis in which the objects are moved some distance instantaneously.

Here we explore a few standout experiments reviewed in the report.

Bending Spoons à la Matrix

Now-retired Col. J. B. Alexander commended aerospace engineer Jack Houck for “capturing [a] PK [psychokinetic] phenomenon and transitioning it into an observable form,” according to Dr. Davis.

"Houck taught people to bend spoons or forks with their minds." 

Houck taught people to bend spoons or forks with their minds. Demonstrations were held under the observation of numerous government science advisors and senior military officials, Davis said. They were held at the Pentagon, and the metal was bent without any evident physical force.

Gifted Chinese Children Perform Teleportation?

In the 1980s a spate of children in China were purportedly found to have special abilities. Some of these children were tested, under the supervision of China’s official National Defense Science Commission. According to studies published in scientific journals at the time, these children successfully moved small objects through physical barriers and through space without touching them.

The first round of experiments was published in the journal Ziran Zazhi (Nature Journal) in 1981, and was titled “Some Experiments on the Transfer of Objects Performed by Unusual Abilities of the Human Body.” In these experiments, the children are said to have moved small objects, including watches and horseflies, a distance of some meters without ever having touched the objects.

One of the objects teleported was a radio micro-transmitter. It transmitted a radio signal to electronic receivers, so it’s state could be monitored as it was teleported. As the teleportation took place, the transmitter’s signal became extremely weak, suggesting it was in an altered state at that time.

As the teleportation took place, the transmitter’s signal became extremely weak, suggesting it was in an altered state.
A second round of experiments was published in the Chinese Journal of Somatic Science in 1990, and was carried out by the Aerospace Medicine Engineering Institute in Beijing. High-speed photography and videography was used to monitor the movement of the objects.

The Chinese researchers reported that this monitoring “recorded test specimens physically ‘melding’ or blending with the walls of sealed containers, and in a different series of experiments the test specimens would simply disappear from inside the container only to reappear at another location,” wrote Davis.

Davis described these experiments as having repeated success and as being conducted under “exceptionally well controlled conditions (both blind and double-blind).”

Why the Air Force Cares About Psychokinetics

The ability to control matter with the mind could be a powerful weapon in war.

Dr. Robert Jahn, dean emeritus of Princeton University’s School of Engineering, conducted many experiments showing that mind can affect matter.

He attended a meeting on psychokinesis at the Naval Research Laboratory in the 1980s, Davis said, and “warned that foreign adversaries could exploit micro- or macro-PK to induce U.S. military fighter pilots to lose control of their aircraft and crash.”

A remote viewing program run by the U.S. government for decades was ended by President Bill Clinton in 1994 and declassified in 1995.

Major Ed Dames was part of this program, and now teaches classes on remote viewing. His website gives an example of the effects this ability has had: “Dames identified and confirmed the existence of an entirely new Soviet offensive weapon, and then personally briefed senior officials of the National Intelligence Agencies regarding the significance of this new Soviet capability.”

Learn more: Confidential files about PSI - ESP

Is Psychokinesis digital or analog? - by idea "Is reality digital or analog?"

Essay contest by The Foundational Questions Institute

While studying physics this past year, I noticed tension between theoretical and experimental physicists, especially between younger quantum field theoreticians and veteran particle physicists — regarding deep reality and the various formulations of quantum mechanics (addressed in another post).
Revisiting some archived debates, this philosophical question (“Is reality digital or analog?”) was posed in an essay contest by The Foundational Questions Institute(FQXi) in 2010-2011.1
This tension is evident in David Tong’s 2011 essay “Physics and the Integers” (as well as a 2012 follow-on version in Scientific American) and Victor Stenger‘s response. That professional interaction will be discussed more below.
Case 1
First, however, here’s an excerpt from an Electronics World blog post on the question “Is reality digital or analog?” With the discovery of the Higgs boson/field at CERN, the article cautions that the Standard Model’s grounding in physical reality might be undermined via overreach by field theorists — in particular by statements like Tong’s that “discreteness in the world is simply the Fourier transform of compactness.” 2
David Tong … has been fascinated by the historical debate concerning the Integers and the Continuum, and also in relation to Einstein’s insistence that both have to be grounded in Physical Reality and Unification.
In the December 2012 edition of Scientific American appears a short article entitled “The Unquantum Quantum” [“Is Quantum Reality Analog after All?”]. Therein Tong explores the boundaries of the Analogue and Digital universe in response to The Foundational Questions Institute’s open question competition to physicists and philosophers: ”Is Reality Digital or Analog?”
Essentially Tong is arguing that (Platonists can leave now) that Atoms and Molecules don’t really exist. [See this video of a lecture by Tong as to such a characterization.]
… Tong appears not to understand the limitations of the Complex Number System [CNS] itself, with its intrinsic fault-lines such as the j^4=j^8=j^12 problem [huh?] or the phase problem(s) associated with the Fourier Transform [huh?]. That I did not find surprising. What I did find surprising is that Tong clearly forgets how the CNS emerged itself as a framework for mathematicians to solve integer coefficient cubic equations, and the historical arguments that still persist. Schrödinger, can be left to Schrödinger and Einstein.
Case 2
There also are some comments on the 2011 paper on the FQXi forum.
Here’s Stenger’s response — “Particles Are for Real” — to that other version of Tong’s essay “Is Quantum Reality Analog after All?” 3 (Highlights and text in square brackets are mine.)
… No one has ever observed a quantum field. Quantum fields are purely mathematical constructs within quantum field theory.
But note that what Tong calls “a lie” is the notion that the building blocks of nature are discrete particles while it is fields that are the building blocks of our theories. That is, he is equating nature to theory.
Tong is revealing his acceptance of a common conception that exists among today’s theoretical physicists (Paul Dirac and Richard Feynman, among other twentieth-century greats, were not part of that school). That is, the symbols that appear in their mathematical equations represent “true reality” while our observations, which always look like localized particles, are just the way in which that reality manifests itself.
As someone who 40 years as an experimental elementary particle physicist, I carry a different perspective. I started in the 1960s analyzing bubble chamber pictures where one sat at a scanning table and traced the beautiful tracks of bubbles photographed during the time the superheated liquid in the chamber was exposed to a pulsed beam from an accelerator [a stream of confined particles].4
It never occurred to my collaborators and me to describe what we observed as some kind of field in an abstract multidimensional space.(Quantum fields do not live in familiar space-time, despite Tong’s assertion). … From the rate at which the particle slowed down as it lost energy to ionization we could also determine its speed and, from these two measurements, determine the particle’s energy [i.e., the statistical properties of the stream].
And, the workers at the LHC do not talk about colliding the quantum fields of two protons together to measure the wavelengths of some abstract wave oscillating in some imaginary aether. They speak of banging particles together and measuring the particles they see coming out.
The point is, while our mathematical theories are expressed in terms of abstract fields, what we always measure is best described as particles. [Which likely is not disputed — the common description of what is measured.]
Stenger then talks about the famous double slit experiment (for which some alternative views persist). He cites the photoelectric effect and concludes:
The fringe pattern does not appear until you have accumulated the statistical distribution of a large number of photons. The so-called “wave nature” of light is thus not a characteristic of a single photon; it is a characteristic of the behavior of an ensemble of many photons.
Now, other philosophical schools exist besides Platonism. Most experimentalists, if dragged kicking and screaming into having to think about a philosophical question, would probably say that the objects they observe, which they call particles, are “real.” But then, they have no better means to prove that assertion than their theoretical colleagues have to insist that only fields are real.
No one doubts the moon is real, and it’s just a particle when viewed from far enough away. How is it any different from a photon registered in a photodetector? So, even if I can’t prove it, it seems reasonable that photons, electrons, quarks, neutrinos, and Higgs bosons are for real.
Curiously, in the first case Tong is criticized as an anti-Platonist (numbers are derivative) and in the second case as a Platonist (objects are derivative)! Quite an accomplishment, eh.
My grappling with quantum field theory (QFT) has pros and cons, aside from the general mind boggling character of the 10^-n landscape. QFT provides a unifying framework for the dynamics of energy and time. For example, particle interactions and transformations. On the other hand, QFT leaves me puzzled as why particles are so stable (for example, electron mean lifetime is > 6.6×10^28 years). That is, how “particles” — as particular (wave packet) excitations or compact Fourier transforms — survive intact in the complex energy spectrum of a “fluid-like substance.” On the other hand, particles — as the fundamental building blocks of nature — provide that stable assurance.

[1] Also see The Scientific American announcement regarding winners by George Musser on June 14, 2011.
Living in the age of bits and bytes, we tend to think reality must be digital, so some of my favorite essays were ones that took the contrary point of view that the world is really analog.
David Tong of the University of Cambridge and Ken Wharton of San Jose State University did just that. Quantum theory is usually thought of as discrete; after all, that’s what the word “quantum” connotes. But its equations are actually formulated in terms of continuous quantities. Discrete quantities appear only when a system is constrained in some way, just as a guitar string produces certain tones because it is pinned down at both ends. For instance, the stair-step energy levels of atomsreflect the fact that atoms are held together by a balance of forces.
[2] On the FQXi forum’s page this is Tong’s elaboration on that statement.
If you put a quantum particle in a compact box then its momentum and energy is necessarily discrete. If you put the same particle in an infinite line, then its momentum can be anything at all.
The same argument works in reverse. If the momentum of a particle is restricted in its range (i.e. a Brillouin zone) then the space it lives on is discrete (i.e. a lattice).
The maths that underlies this is simply the Fourier transform. Your cosine transform is just the real part of the Fourier transform.
[3] Published in Scientific American in December 2012. The same sentiment is found in his February 15, 2017 lecture “Quantum Fields: The Real Building Blocks of the Universe.” This excerpt from that lecture provides the context for Stenger’s response.
The spirit is exactly what Democritus said 2,500 years ago, that they’re like LEGO bricks from which everything in the world is constructed. These LEGO bricks are particles, and the particles are the electron and two quarks. It’s a very nice picture. It’s a very comforting picture. It’s the picture we teach kids at school. It’s the picture we even teach students in undergraduate university.
And there’s a problem with it. The problem is it’s a lie. It’s a white lie. It’s a white lie that we tell our children because we don’t want to expose them to the difficult and horrible truth too early on it. It makes it easier to learn if you believe that these particles are the fundamental building blocks of the universe. But it’s simply not true. The best theories that we have of physics do not have underlying them … the electron particle and the two quark particles.
In fact, the very best theories we have of physics don’t rely on particles at all. The best theories we have tell us that the fundamental building blocks of nature are not particles, but something much more nebulous and abstract. The fundamental building blocks of nature are fluid-like substances which are spread throughout the entire universe and ripple in strange and interesting ways. That’s the fundamental reality in which we live. These fluid-like substances we have a name for. We call them fields.
[4] His experience with bubble chamber experiments reminds me of the dramatized story of Heisenberg in Gilder’s book The Age of Entanglement, in the chapter “Uncertainty Winter 1926–1927.”
Heisenberg almost ran out of the little attic room, down the stairs of the institute, the door slamming behind him as he emerged into the fresh cold air and emptiness of the park. He walked between the bare trees at the gate, his booted feet leaving dark footprints, melting the frost that fringed the grass. It is theory, it is theory, it is theory which first determines what can be observed.
“We have always said so glibly,” Heisenberg told his frustration, or the trees, or Bohr, or Einstein, “that the path of the electron in the cloud chamber can be observed.” He turned to see his footprints among the frost, and he thought of the electron shooting through the cloud chamber, leaving its footprints of dew behind, small condensed clouds. “But perhaps,” he continued slowly, “what we really observed was something much less. Perhaps”—he was walking faster now, his breath, like the electron, leaving clouds behind him—“we merely saw a series of discrete and ill-defined spots through which the electron had passed. In fact, all we do see in the cloud chamber are individual water droplets which must certainly be much larger than an electron.” He stopped again. “The right question should therefore be: Can quantum mechanics represent the fact that an electron finds itself approximately in a given place and that it moves approximately with a given velocity, and can we make these approximations so close that they do not cause experimental difficulties?” — Gilder, Louisa (2008-11-11). The Age of Entanglement (Kindle Locations 1934-1944). Knopf Doubleday Publishing Group. Kindle Edition.

Thought on “Is reality digital or analog?” - by John Healy

Note 1 of the post references George Musser’s overview of the essay contest and another essay by Ken Wharton who, like Tong, argues that reality is analog — built on a continuous foundation — and that “Discrete quantities appear only when a system is constrained in some way.”
While admitting that there’s no definitive answer due to a possibly even deeper, underlying reality, Wharton proposes a coherent framework for modern physics — reconciling the continuum of general relativity (GR) and blended aspects of quantum theory (QT). Whether one is partial to conforming QT to GR or to exploring a theory of quantum gravity, he suggests that the “measurement problem” needs to be resolved.
Wharton questions the natural assumption that measurement reveals underlying reality — that measured discreteness implies unobserved things are discrete as well. He suggests that measurement is analogous to “boundary-induced quantization” (BIQ) of unconstrained superpositions — continuous energy modes, within the following context:
  • In QT an electron spin lives on a continuous mathematical surface known as the Bloch sphere.
  • QFT explains particle creation and destruction as superpositions of continuous fields.
  • The wave interference observed in the double-slit experiment using one particle at a time compensates for changes in slit size.
  • Observed transitions between two atomic energy states have a range of possible energies (as in lasers).
  • Measurement sensitivity (as in “weak measurement” experiments) exhibits variable discreteness.
BIQ is illustrated with standing waves of vibrating strings (strings fixed at both ends) and the width of peaks — variable discreteness — of resonant frequencies in laser cavities.
The more strongly a system is constrained, the more precise the emergent discreteness. From which follows the analogy that “stricter measurements produce stricter discreteness.” He addresses issues with this analogy — of measurement and a mirror (reflectivity of a laser cavity mirror) — by discussing the “block universe” and boundaries between regions in spacetime, correlations between those regions, and how correlations may be considered a measurement.
This new perspective is at odds with QT.
The above picture of measurement certainly appears to be at odds with QT. For one thing, it couches everything in terms of local interactions in spacetime, which QT has reasons for rejecting. For another, it relies on Heisenberg’s original reading of his uncertainty principle — where actual parameters are unconstrained by realistic measurements — rather than a more modern reading where those unconstrained parameters can’t even be said to properly exist.
But he notes that the mathematical framework of action principles bridges the divide between GR and QT.
The only new concept needed to pull all this together is to interpret the mathematical “fixing” of the spacetime boundary in classical action principles as a literal, physical external constraint on a system — just as quantum measurement was described in the previous section.
[Ken Wharton is an Associate Professor in the Department of Physics and Astronomy at San Jose State University. His research is focused on the foundations of quantum theory, with a particular interest in fully time-symmetric approaches.]

Is Psychokinesis digital or analog?

Psychokinesis is a reality of ability form. Math allows it to exist. There are no official conclusions and conclusions for the essays.
Psychokinesis is digital or Psychokinesis is analog, all are imperfect. It is math. It is only logical in some way. See more about imperfect theorems here: Find the true explanation for "Neuroscience of free will" experiment
And, One must remember and ponder the words of physicists, with sage-like sayings: "This Mind is the Matrix of all Master" - Max Planck

Psychokinesis and ancient records - No need to consider "Is Psychokinesis digital or analog?"

In fact, Psychokinesis is a small manifestation of the Divine Power (Kabbalah). Because, there are thousands of extraordinary phenomena of people, which Psychokinesis does not contain.

Some typical examples of ancient Kabbalah: 
  • Jesus used divine powers to turn out thousands of breads from nowhere.
  • The most comprehensive divine power is shown in Buddhism: there are 6 types of Divine powers - manifesting the intellectual capacity of the Buddhas, Bodhisattvas and Arahantship - by wiki Vietnam
  • Maudgalyayana  is the best man of the Buddha's disciples. He can travel to many worlds in a smooth time (like going through parallel universes - according to physical theory now)
Psychokinesis, magical powers(Kabbalah), where do they exist?

For spiritual practitioners in Buddhism, divine powers are an unimportant thing. The most important thing is enlightenment to liberate. All divine powers (Psychokinesis) are located in Eight Consciousnesses - Skt. aa vijñānakāyāḥ. Just by being enlightened, spiritual practitioners will have divine powers. Problem of Eight Consciousnesses - Skt. aa vijñānakāyāḥ is analyzed in the article: The Best Programs to Penetrate into Spirituality and Change Your Life

Hope you find something new and meaningful in life. Have a nice day. Thank you for following, and please leave a few comments to help me and everyone reading.

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