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Anti-aging from inside DNA by Mediterranean Diet

If you are a person who has been on the hunt for a solid diet plan, you may feel overwhelmed much of the time. In the 21st century it is nearly impossible for a person to turn on a television set or open a newspaper without being bombarded with advertisements for a variety of different diet plans and products.

Anti-aging from inside DNA by Mediterranean Diet

Five Reasons Why the Mediterranean Diet is a Healthy Choice in the 21st Century

With the tremendous array of diet plans, programs, supplements and aids on the market, it can seem nearly impossible to select a diet plan that can and will best meet your needs now and into the future. More importantly, it can be hard to discern if one or another of these various diet schemes actually is a healthy course to pursue. In many instances, fad diets really are not based on the fundamentals of healthy living.

As you go forward considering what type of diet plan or regimen will best serve your interests and improve your health into the future, you will want to take a look at the benefits that can be had through the Mediterranean diet.

While there are multiple reasons why the Mediterranean diet is a healthy approach, there are five primary reasons why the Mediterranean diet is a good choice.

1. The Benefits of Fruits, Vegetable, Fiber and Whole Grains

A major component of the Mediterranean diet includes the regular consumption of fresh fruits and vegetables. Medical experts and nutritionists universally agree that a person should eat between five and six servings of fresh fruits and vegetables (or steamed items) on a daily basis.

People who adhere to the Mediterranean diet actually end up eating more than the minimum recommended allowance of fruits and vegetables. As a result, nutritionists in different parts of the world have taken to recommending a Mediterranean based diet regimen to their clients. Similarly, doctors who consult with their patients about healthy eating practices oftentimes find themselves recommending the Mediterranean diet in this day and age.

Beyond fruits and vegetables, the Mediterranean diet includes healthy amounts of dietary fiber and whole grains. Fiber and whole grains have proven effective in lowering the incidence of heart disease and some types of cancer.

2. The Benefits of Olive Oil -- Avoiding Saturated Fat

Some people have a fundamental misperception about the Mediterranean diet. These people have heard that the Mediterranean diet is high in fat. On some level, there is some truth in the conception that the Mediterranean diet is higher in fat than are some other dieting programs. A person following the Mediterranean diet does take in about thirty percent of his or her daily calories from fat. (Most diets recommended the intake of calories from fat at the rate of about thirteen to fifteen percent per day. However, these diets are contemplating the ingesting of animal fat.)

The vast majority of fat that a person on the Mediterranean diet consumes comes from olive oil. In other words, the fat found in the Mediterranean diet is not the dangerous saturated fat that can cause disease, obesity and other health concerns. In fact, research has demonstrated that there are a number of solid benefits to consuming olive oil, including a reduction of the risk of the incidence of breast cancer in women.

3. Dairy in Moderation

While the consumption of low or non-fat dairy products in moderation can be beneficial in some instances, many people the world over rely on heavy creams, eggs and other fat filled dairy products in their daily diets. The Mediterranean diet is low in dairy. Indeed, any dairy products that actually are included within the diet regimen is low fat. A person is considered an extremely heavy egg eater if he or she consumes four eggs in a week.

4. Red Meat in Moderation

Very little red meat is included within the Mediterranean diet. When it comes to meat items, this diet relies on moderate amounts of lean poultry and fresh fish. As a result, people who follow the Mediterranean diet plan have lower levels of "bad" cholesterol and higher levels of "good: cholesterol.

In addition, because of the inclusion of lean, fresh fish in the diet, adherents to the Mediterranean diet enjoy the anti-oxidant benefits that are found in certain fish oils and products.

5. A Well Balanced Dieting Scheme

In the final analysis, the Mediterranean diet is gaining acclaim from experts and adherents the world over because it is a balanced dieting program. Study after study demonstrate that a balanced diet that is low in fat and that includes fruits, vegetable, whole grains and lean meat works to ensure total health and wellness.


The Mediterranean diet is a comprehensive regimen for healthy living. By following the strictures of the Mediterranean diet, a person can enjoy improved wellness, a reduction of the risk of certain diseases and, in many instances, a longer life.

Mediterranean Diet’s Anti-Aging Effect Can Be Seen On DNA

After analyzing 41 years worth of data, researchers have now discovered that the benefits of the Mediterranean diet go well beyond the scope of nutrition and into the realm of cellular DNA….

“The Mediterranean diet” is defined as typically including high consumption of fruits (especially tomatoes), vegetables, and cereals, heavy use of olive oil, moderate consumption of red meats, poultry and fish, and wine in moderation. [1]

The diet has long been touted as a healthy way of reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease and has enjoyed a cult following due to its ease of preparation and palatability.

Researchers measured the long-term effects of the diet by taking note of its influence on biological markers, specifically, a person’s telomere length. Telomeres are the parts of a person’s chromosomes that get shorter with each cell replication. The shorter the telomeres, the earlier a person is expected to die. [2]

By observing the samples taken from over 121,700 participants since 1976, they were able to determine that those who adhered to the Mediterranean diet did, in fact, have longer telomeres. What’s even more astounding is that those who adhered to the diet better showed higher scores than those who veered away slightly. [3]

The impact of the study is certainly a positive one. Take the fact that the Mediterranean diet itself has been shown to reduce the occurrence of stroke, heart disease, memory problems, and bone loss, coupled with its ability to maintain long telomeres and we now have a strong case that the diet is a truly an anti-aging marvel. [4][5][6]

Learn more: 
Longevity - Anti Aging Secrets

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Learn more: Extreme Life Extension and the Search for Immortality

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  • [1] What is the “Mediterranean” diet? http://www.heart.org/HEARTORG/HealthyLiving/HealthyEating/Mediterranean-Diet_UCM_306004_Article.jsp
  • [2] Shorter telomeres mean shorter life. https://www.newscientist.com/article/dn3337-shorter-telomeres-mean-shorter-life/
  • [3] Mediterranean diet and telomere length in Nurses’ Health Study: population based cohort study. (2014). http://www.bmj.com/content/349/bmj.g6674
  • [4] Mediterranean Diet Cuts Heart Disease Risk by Nearly Half. http://www.acc.org/about-acc/press-releases/2015/03/04/16/36/mediterranean-diet-cuts-heart-disease-risk-by-nearly-half
  • [5] Mediterranean Diet May Have Lasting Effects on Brain Health. https://www.aan.com/PressRoom/Home/PressRelease/1511
  • [6] Mediterranean Style Diet May Slow Aging Process, Bone Loss. https://greenblender.com/smoothies/6169/benefits-of-mediterranean-diet-aging

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